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Staying open as long as possible but being very careful.

We have only had our first case in the area confirmed yesterday but most people still seem to be carrying on as normal so far.

This week has been better than anticipated with trade work especially not exactly sure why, but i am a very important supplier to the NHS with every lock on Grimsby and Scunthrope hospitals being supplied by us,also door closers/digital door locks and all manner of DDA products they have asked even if we close if i can still contine to supply them.

I really feel for all you guys having to close this is going to be a hell of a bumpy ride for all us small businesses and i hope you can all survive and carry on when things finally settle down.


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3 hours ago, ironplanet uk900 said:

The rates amnesty is already in place, stop your direct debit now. Freeze your mortgage if you have one. Get on government websites for stuff you can do. 

There is help out there. All the very best to you all, even hugh candoit xx

Thanks for advice Uk done the cancellation a while ago. I think if the gov can they will announce a package for the self employed,contractors and such other wise to these people it feels like they are saying f***you lot, best wishes and the very best luck to all of you. 

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5 hours ago, windycity said:

I’m closing after today as are most of the independent shops in my parade. Only the convenience stores and chemists are open. 

im glad I don’t have to sack my part timer but would have liked some help for the self employed.

i know a rates grant will come through but that will soon be gobbled up for fixed costs I guess I would like 80% of my average salary. Good luck everyone.

Sorry to hear that, to cdtl, Michael et al.

Keep your peckers up, lads.

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22 hours ago, Michael said:

Experts on Sky News saying social distancing should carry on for a year with 6 months like this and 6 months with stricter distancing!!

Jesus, the whole world has gone to pot with one virus...Absolutely crazy and just doesn't add up

 not hard for me I hate people so the least I see the happier I will be - give me dogs and cats every time


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well It wont work, so many people need to get to work, My wife is a vet nurse she works at two centres, I have callouts to disabled door controls not working etc etc - 6 million people all indoors - impossible - but in large towns it  may work - not here in the sticks I walked the dogs twice yesterday and saw maybe 5 people in the distance


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9 hours ago, rapidlocks said:

a paramedic told me lock down is comming next week , if true its a good idea 

Did you not see the video this week that soldiers would be on the streets of London by 5pm on Friday. Never happened.

Social media is so full of bull shitters with nothing better to do than spread gossip and rumours at the minute.

Everyone is worried but life goes on, i have decided to stay open but me and my employee will work alternate days so we are not working together. Gloves on all the time, wipe every surface/machine/till/card machine first thing and during the day. Keep distance between customers wherever possible. No more than 2 customers in the shop at any time if we can.

Hope everyone stays safe and this virus disapears as quickly as it appeared.


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Just a heads up The Ministry of Defence have been told to be on standby for complete UK lockdown as of Saturday evening at 6pm... No one is to leave their home's unless you work in Front Line Retail or the NHS...

I heard this directly from my neighbour Trigger who is best friends with a guy called Boycey.  Boycey knows a guy named Del who drinks down the pub with his uncle Albert.  Albert was in the Navy during the war so knows his stuff. 

Please pass it on.

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I’m flat out on bike repairs after sending all previous customers a text deal.

best week in years last week. Been collecting bikes today and have a full days work tomorrow.

expecting to be forced to close with a lock down, but have managed to reduce the impact just a little bit this week.

i did a bit on local groups for Garden tool sharpening today and already my neighbours have brought some round, so that might go in the shop tomorrow.

ive also got a van so will look into using that to earn some money if it goes pear shaped

good luck everyone

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I'm openng tomorrow with the intention of getting the last few pairs done, cleaning down and shutting up!

Surely that is the right thing to do. We have been asked to stop all non-essential movement/contact so why encourage folk to come out and visit our shops? If all shops closed then people would have no-where to go.

I've thought long and hard about this all weekend but we have to do what is right for the good of the country!

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Good luck to all you independents, I suppose I’ve found myself in a lucky position.

One of the things that always worried me about going it alone was what happens if I become sick. Something like this never occurred to me.
im hoping that many of you will be able to continue in some way, maybe working behind closed doors with an agreed collection point or if it was worth it, maybe even picking up from customers. The important thing is to not encourage people out of there houses. The quicker we get on top of this virus, the quicker we get back to something close to normal.

youre a clever bunch, I’m sure you’ll come up with something. And for those of you who’s companies don’t make it through, I’m sure there will be a place for you with us if you really need it.

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1 hour ago, Paul_ said:

I'm openng tomorrow with the intention of getting the last few pairs done, cleaning down and shutting up!

Surely that is the right thing to do. We have been asked to stop all non-essential movement/contact so why encourage folk to come out and visit our shops? If all shops closed then people would have no-where to go.

I've thought long and hard about this all weekend but we have to do what is right for the good of the country!

We have been recommended to social distance and for the old or those with underlying issues are the ones advices to stop movements and isolate. The government are consulting experts & have made no recommendations for small shops to close.

I dare say we will be requested to close in due course but we haven’t been so why should we? Boris will advice us when and where to minimise the impact when needed.

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I’m now of the opinion that being open and encouraging customers is probably part of the problem. People need to stop unnecessary movement and stay home. It’s gonna contribute to dragging this whole shitstorm out longer than necessary 
I’m going in tomorrow to shut down. 
No customers about, all the shops around me are closed or closing so no point. Going to spend my time trying to find some way of financially getting through the next 2 or 3 months. If it goes on beyond this then it’s probably too much to come back from for me. Need to try and save my home. Let’s hope the government come up with something for the self employed pretty quickly!!

Good luck out there guys, hope to see you all on the other side. 

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I'm going in tomorrow like most to shut down, been in my shop for 28 years working 6 days a week most weeks. I'm thinking i'll never get the chance to go back I'm gutted to say the least but we all have no choice its the best thing to do good luck to all of you i feel i know most of you on this forum i will miss you all :sad:  I'm heart broken:smt049 and stay safe and good luck everybody x

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It is looking the same for us as well we aren't on the high street but all our customers are. We need to make sure we all talk still these are going to be very difficult times but getting through the virus will be the easy part coming out the other side will be when it gets really difficult as financial institutes etc come to life again. On the plus side we are'nt alone and if the government don't help enough the country will collapse we are a nation of shopkeepers remember we are needed.

It is looking like I will be helping the NHS very soon St John Ambulance have dropped all event cover until July and we are retraining to help in wards with day to day stuff to free up HCPs to do their stuff - already our ambulances are drafted in and doing full time shifts alongside the Ambulance services

I don't know how much I can help anyone but if you do want to talk my number is 078 11333311 or peter@siserve.co.uk - I'm not very chatty but you never know.

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Even though like everyone I don’t want to close having seen what’s happening with everyone else I’m in today, Tuesday is always a half day for me so I’ll do my accounts and see where I’m at and finish mid day tomorrow.

one positive for me like most of you is I’ve been here 30years the longest I’ve had Off in the time is 9 days. My kids are 20/17/14 and spend little time with us. I’m really, really looking forward to spending some lengthy days with them before they fly the nest. The recharge will do me the world of good.



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