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COVID-19 Information for you

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1 hour ago, Lee said:

@petercoulson is anyone else thinking what a legend Peter is at the moment?

 I’m sure St.Johns is keeping him real busy, I’m sure he’s working with them and replying to all their own forums and things, yet here he is fully engaged with our trade.

Thank you Lee, I'm not doing much more than reporting what I am finding out about how Siserve will survive and hope everyone else does the same if they find stuff out.

As for St John stuff that is really ramping up now although my involvement is in the background there is a ton of stuff going on - now we are providing as many ambulances from around the country into London which is struggling big time the new hospital in Excel centre is due to take patients from 1st April when nationally SJA are aiming to provide 100 ambulances and 500 personnel per day but that is a drop in the ocean if Covid takes hold let's keep our fingers crossed. If that doesn't scare people enough then over the next 2 weeks we are also providing first aid cover at secret locations while they build temporary morgues around the country because we won't be able to keep up with the deaths as you see in Italy. 

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3 hours ago, grahamparker said:

Lunchtime yesterday. It says that in my post.

Just realised that you possibly mean when will the money be transferred to that question i have no idea.

That's what I meant, it seams you can apply to the council but they are simply putting you on a list.

Any payments promised may not be made for a very long time.

I have little faith in the promises made by government and I am not holding my breath.

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More news from HMRC about furloughing, there will be a portal to claim and they are looking at the end of April which will fall in line with most paid monthly. Read through it is very interesting particularly if you had a better February last year you can base the 80% on that. Also a little more info for the self employed although I still can't work out if the £50000 profit ceiling is per person
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2 hours ago, Flash said:

That's what I meant, it seams you can apply to the council but they are simply putting you on a list.

Any payments promised may not be made for a very long time.

I have little faith in the promises made by government and I am not holding my breath.

My accountant said April/May but i am lucky in the fact i am owed just short of 10k from trade accounts and i only owe out £3k so if they all pay i will be fine until the payment is made.

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So I still hadn't heard anything from my local council about the business rates grant, and they didn't have anything on their website. A mate of mine that owns a cafe along from me rang and gave me the number for my councils covid19 business support line. I rang them to be told I wasn't on the list he had, but gave me the email address of the people dealing with it, and to email them with my info (business name, address, rates account number etc.).

Within 5 minutes I had an email from them with the form that needs to be returned and a covering letter with all the info, filled in and emailed back instantly.

My suggestion if you haven't heard anything is to find the covid19 business support number on your local council website and ring up looking for info. This should get the ball rolling.

Good Luck, hope this helps!

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Confirmation just received from HMRC about deferring VAT payments - you MUST cancel any direct debit as it is up to you to not pay

This means that all businesses with a UK VAT registration have the option to defer VAT payments due between 20 March and 3‌0‌‌ June.

You therefore have until 3‌1‌‌ March 2021 to pay any VAT deferred as a result of this announcement.

You do not need to inform HMRC if you wish to defer payment. You can opt in to the deferral simply by not making VAT payments due in this period. If you pay by Direct Debit you should cancel this with your bank. You should do so in sufficient time so that HMRC does not attempt to automatically collect on receipt of their VAT return.

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Little more business info today


Staff can defer annual leave for two years, Sharma says

Mr Sharma says that workers can now defer their annual leave for another two years.

"This will protect staff from losing out, while providing businesses with flexibility when they need it most."

He adds that banks are processing thousands of applications for loans designed to help businesses with an annual turnover below £45m.

And he adds local authorities are beginning to receive funds in order to distribute as grants to small and medium businesses.

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26 minutes ago, Count Muppet said:

Can’t see how staff are losing out while they sit at home being paid to save their lives 

This law mainly aimed at " key workers" (NHS, POLICE, DELIVERY , FOOD STORES  ect ) not the ones sit at home. 

This new law encourages them to continue working now (as they desperately needed) instead of taking annual Holidays , thinking they lose their holidays considering the "Take it or lose it "  policy implemented by many employers.


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19 hours ago, petercoulson said:

Little more business info today


Staff can defer annual leave for two years, Sharma says

Mr Sharma says that workers can now defer their annual leave for another two years.

"This will protect staff from losing out, while providing businesses with flexibility when they need it most."

He adds that banks are processing thousands of applications for loans designed to help businesses with an annual turnover below £45m.

And he adds local authorities are beginning to receive funds in order to distribute as grants to small and medium businesses.

Another employment law that is making it harder and harder to actually employ any staff, why bother with making it law? This is going to be. Very bumpy ride for all businesses that have had to close - I’m told it will be about 11 weeks, them to really stick salt in the wound let your staff have holiday. Whoever makes this up obviously hasn’t got a small biz

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19 minutes ago, k4mrc said:

Another employment law that is making it harder and harder to actually employ any staff, why bother with making it law? This is going to be. Very bumpy ride for all businesses that have had to close - I’m told it will be about 11 weeks, them to really stick salt in the wound let your staff have holiday. Whoever makes this up obviously hasn’t got a small biz

I spoke to my Employee last week and explained to him I would be paying his full wage (Topping up the 80%) so he would not lose any money. He offered to give up all his holidays in return. I refused and told him it was not his fault so not all employees are bad.He appreciates how difficult it is going to be for me once we open up again.

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2 minutes ago, grahamparker said:

I spoke to my Employee last week and explained to him I would be paying his full wage (Topping up the 80%) so he would not lose any money. He offered to give up all his holidays in return. I refused and told him it was not his fault so not all employees are bad.He appreciates how difficult it is going to be for me once we open up again.

I think that’s great  hope mine will not take a break for some months till we get back into it, 

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Ref the online council form for the shop grants if they are the same as the are down here there is a question asking " Is your business open " I put "no" as at the time i had closed because of this ,apparently you are supposed to put "Yes"  as have many others ...apparently the council were trying to find out if any businesses had folded some time ago ...My local business association have sorted out this problem & the council admitted it was badly worded , so you might want to check .  it also doesn't help if like me you invested profits back into your business .   stay safe everyone .

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1 hour ago, lock&quay said:

Ref the online council form for the shop grants if they are the same as the are down here there is a question asking " Is your business open " I put "no" as at the time i had closed because of this ,apparently you are supposed to put "Yes"  as have many others ...apparently the council were trying to find out if any businesses had folded some time ago ...My local business association have sorted out this problem & the council admitted it was badly worded , so you might want to check .  it also doesn't help if like me you invested profits back into your business .   stay safe everyone .

Government advise is council will contact businesses, no need to chase up.  Bit worried/confused. Council should have the money next week, I'll see what the situation is next Friday. 


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1 hour ago, grahamparker said:

When I spoke to my accountant on Friday he said that I could still pay the deferral is optional but I would check with your accountant.

It is definitely optional - you can still pay and you have to cancel your DD if you don't want to otherwise it will be taken or you make the payment your usual way

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