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prepare for brexit

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who has?

what have you done?

ive been on the scottish website and its a merry go round

been on it for the last 3 hours and im never getting those 3 hours back

how can i plan for an impact on my business when none of my suppliers can tell me anything?

this "we're british and survived the war" mentality shit isnt what i can put down on a business plan

so come on lets be honest here what is everyone proactively doing or is it suck it and see??

carry on!


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I bought a Quiche and a Trifle to prepare is that any help ?.

How can you prepare for something that a lot of Politicians and Lords and SCOTTISH JUDGES do not want to happen ?.

Even worse the precedent which has just been set by the Supreme Court who it looks like also seem to be made up of Remainers.

So my Quiche and Trifle will be my way of getting prepared for another delay against the wishes of a MAJORITY who voted to leave.

Also i find it Hilarious that wee Jimmy Krankie north of the border wants independance for Scotland so she can then hand powers straight back to the EU

taking away the independence she keeps banging on about.

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i personally cant blame the scottish for wanting independence and believing they will be better off with it . our government , politicians , law makers have all proved they are incapable of running a kids birthday party let alone a country , not even the english people want to be run by these clowns , so why would scotland want this.

ive never been so embarrassed to be british than in past few years .

i voted leave , but now im not sure we could make a go of it , it will be the same house of incompetent clowns that will be leading the country , they have proven that they are incapable yet we will have to trust them to take us on a voyage into the future , that is a scary thought and doomed from the begining , theres not a competent government from any of them.

so i can fully understand scots wanting independence , id like to be independent from these clowns too .

it must be great to be a politician , its the only job you can screw up to the degree of ruining lives and get away with it , you can bring a nation to its knees and get financially rewarded , you can lie , cheat and be as dishonest as you like with impunity , and your expenses and fiddles and back handers can increase your salary 10 fold , its the only occupation where being incompetent pays very well.

i would be over the moon to leave with no deal if i believed we had a prospective government that was capable of making it work , but from what ive seen we would do as well with the bring a bottle party as we would with the main parties , del boy trotter would do a better job.

so good luck to scotland if independence is what they want , im sure that the snp couldnt be worse than the dross we have to choose from .

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personally i have obtained an irish passport for travel purposes , set up import paperwork to allow me to buy from the eu after we leave , stock piled stock just in case of stock droughts , other than that theres little more to do until we know more.

next step i suspect is to look at emigrating or worst case scenario asking nigerians to pay £3 a week to help a family in the uk

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As Graham said, how can you plan for what the hardcore Remainers are trying to overturn?

You've got no chance of hitting the goal if they keep moving the posts and in my opinion, this mess that we're in is caused by THEM - not the bloody Leavers who voted in good faith. SHAME ON THEM!!!!!

I've said it before: if you're a Remainer you should be very worried about this all-out assault on democracy and, also, the way the courts have gotten involved. You might be thinking 'Yeah, f*** the Leavers - we've got them on the ropes!', but this has set a very dangerous precedent for EVERYONE and if you can't see or understand the implications of this then I really do pity you.

As for Scottish independence - my family and friends are mostly Scottish and they hate the SNP and what they're trying to do. I'd be sad to see Scotland go but it's their democratic choice - just like we had ours, and I wish them all the best - it's just a pity that a lot of the Scottish who want to break away have such antipathy towards the English and would never reciprocate my feelings towards their future if they get their own independence.


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my outstanding memory of the last indi referendum was from Lee

he wondered how Scotland could vote to leave the uk without the whole of the uk voting as well (as we are all in it together lol)

that to me says westminster would never allow that vote as the antipathy towards us scots would lose them their golden pot.

carry on! 

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13 hours ago, ironplanet uk900 said:

We need a general election. Until we have a majority party it will just be stalemate.

But a hung parliament (not unlikely with lib dems strong stance, brexit party taking Cons votes etc) would just make matters worse

It's why I think a second referendum makes more sense. 

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any second referendum would be rigged to remain or boris deal , im not adverse to another referendum as long as there is 3 options on the ballot paper , leave with boris deal , remain or leave with no deal , its the only choices that will reflect the decision of the people, and abide by the result .

though how will a referendum help ? we will still have a hung parliment with a government without a majority to govern , so stalemate will still exist as politicians will block any result they disagree with until they get there own way.

they are all scared for there jobs which is why they are stalling on an election , the mood suggests many of them will lose there nice salary and over generous expenses and kick backs , they are stalling as they fear being unemployed .

i still maintain that leaving now worries me , as i still cannot see a group even made up from all parties or a single party capable of leading the country to a prosperous future , those we have in parliment would only succeed in bringing this country to its knees , i voted leave but now worry we can succeed with those that will lead this , sadly we are lead by incompetents only out to feather their own nests and damn the consequences.

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It did not give the option to leave with a deal on the last referendum. Nearly everybody i have spoken to who originally voted leave thought that meant LEAVE WITHOUT ANY DEAL.

Cannot wait for the next general election it is going to shock a lot of the pompous dickheads in westminster who rather than going by there electorate have decided  they know best.

They have proven time and again this last 3 years they are ALL untrustworthy and have there own agenda.

And the speaker Wow what an absolute C@@T of a person he is.


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39 minutes ago, rapidlocks said:

any second referendum would be rigged to remain or boris deal , im not adverse to another referendum as long as there is 3 options on the ballot paper , leave with boris deal , remain or leave with no deal 

Big agree

There are no good outcomes from a general election in my opinion, not while this issue looms over us.  

Boris gets a majority? Can't stand the guy, no faith in his leadership. 

Corbyn gets a majority? (lol) I like him on some issues, but they have no unified stance on brexit, and the idea of going back to the EU to negotiate *yet another* slightly different real, and then to have a referendum on that is lunacy. 

An election will be campaigned as if it is a referendum, but can't be legitimately decisive because people vote for all sorts of reasons. A (single transferable vote) referendum, now that we have a proper understanding of what leave means, both with and without a deal, will settle the question once and for all. 


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7 minutes ago, GLENGRAVING said:

Corbyn gets a majority? (lol) I like him on some issues, but they have no unified stance on brexit, and the idea of going back to the EU to negotiate *yet another* slightly different real, and then to have a referendum on that is lunacy. 


If that happens the Terrorist supporting Idiot with Dianne Abbot as Treasurer we would be DOOMED.

This country would go back to the 70's of Strikes and decay which as a child i remember the Labour Winter of discontent, 3 day week and nearly everybody on strike.

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What I wonder is, if we do have a referendum, when it's time for Boris Johnstone to cast his vote in a secret ballot, with nobody watching, which box would he tick? 

Could ask the same of Corbyn. The former finds himself leading a 'leave' party, but only took that stance in a politically opportunistic move so that he could fulfill his dream of becoming PM and having his place in history - I bet given the choice he would rather be the PM of a stable EU member country and avoid this whole tortuous process.

The latter is the opposite; a Euroskeptic who was thrust to power by a young and pro-European left-wing movement in his party. UK politics is backwards. 

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it looks like we are doomed regardless , if we remain we are controlled by europe , if we leave with a deal we may well still be under european control without any say , if we leave with no deal then there is no one in the house thats competent to lead the country to anything worthwhile .

its hard to see any positives from all options 


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9 minutes ago, rapidlocks said:

it looks like we are doomed regardless , if we remain we are controlled by europe , if we leave with a deal we may well still be under european control without any say , if we leave with no deal then there is no one in the house thats competent to lead the country to anything worthwhile .

its hard to see any positives from all options 


I can't say the spectre of EU control has particularly troubled me so far in life.

The only real effects I can foresee is, with a no-deal brexit forecast to knock 3.5%-5% off of UK GDP, maybe the pound gets weaker, maybe it becomes a bit more expensive to buy stock (imported from both Europe and China) for my shop. I'm not an economist, but I already expect one of the main hardware wholesalers in Glasgow to close down before long due to the generally declining retail sector, and a further hit to the import industry would be a final nail in that coffin. When one wholesaler closes down, I expect the other one near it to raise their prices a bit, because they can.

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i think no matter what the future holds over brexit , the one thing we can be sure of is it will facilitate a price increase on what we sell , this whole brexit saga is golden opportunity for suppliers and manufacturers to increase prices.

id hate to think just what the past 3 years has cost public funds financially , the whole farce needs putting to bed one way or the other as further period of limbo is destructive and costly for all bar the few , ive got to the point i dont care as long as put to bed one way or the other .

money is better spent on nhs , more police to get to grips with knife crime etc than to line politicians pockets 

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