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I know, shocking isn't it, some Trade association that's turning out to be.  Having been on the inside and outside, I can honestly say that I think it's had it's day,  much like SOMSR.  No exhibition in 3 years has killed it imho.   


What was such a professional organisation has seemingly gone to rat shit :( so sad.


I'm sure they will shore it up, but afaic, it's finished as a credible Organisation.

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I read Chris' pitch at the start of the magazine, saying he was coming out of the chair & agree no new blood with the enthusiasm, but they nailed there own coffin. the next generation of enthusiasts came & quickly realised they weren't going to make a scrap of difference & moved on, to late shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.

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well said lee your spot on ive supported cutting edge shows for years ( mainly for a night out in a foreign town ) best of luck to anyone who wants to get involved, sorry to sound sarcastic but the last show got think it was just over 120 visitors & some of them were from the motorcycle museam , and id love to argue with you keith , but your right as well somsr lost touch with the grass roots years ago , basically £120 for a piece of paper, ive been in this trade for nearly 40yrs , and in that time ive always thought that the people who run it have nothing in common with those who are in it , that said theres a real sense of appethey amoungst repairers the german show looked fantastic (from what I saw on the web ) seemed to be a sense of enthusiasim , if I had an answer or an argument id give it , but I cant see the demand for another show after 2020

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We as a Company welcome all repairers anytime you want to visit, during weekdays of course, which adds up to 260 days a year.  We are always happy to give you a tour around the factory so you can see how we build our machines and give you confidence in your purchase, that's if you needed any of course!  We have a showroom where you can use the machines should you bring any work with you. These visits often result in a sale for us and it works for both parties.


The days of relying on any sale gleaned from an Exhibition are long gone.

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Times change you need to adapt to changing trends new shoes have never been so cheap most are poor quality but customers buy, wear, then  throw away and replace now it's something you have to get used to, some weeks we do not get any shoe repairs at all.

Saying that i use the finisher daily for all manner of jobs shortening keys, smoothing padlock edges after re-pinning so i am not getting rid of the machinery and giving up just yet.

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12 minutes ago, keithm said:

We as a Company welcome all repairers anytime you want to visit, during weekdays of course, which adds up to 260 days a year.  We are always happy to give you a tour around the factory so you can see how we build our machines and give you confidence in your purchase, that's if you needed any of course!  We have a showroom where you can use the machines should you bring any work with you. These visits often result in a sale for us and it works for both parties.


The days of relying on any sale gleaned from an Exhibition are long gone.

Yes, we have been and can recommend them as the service has been Brillant!

My only gripe.,.,    (sorry) each time I have been there have never had that FREE coffee that was promised 12 years ago LOL

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I have been saying for years that the trade shows in this country are done wrong. Apart from when Standard used it to launch a new finisher and we had the speaker from Greece, there hasn’t been any real reason to visit.

When I’ve been it has mostly just been stalls with either the same stuff that’s online or products we couldn’t and still can’t order.

Use it to launch new products, hold workshops, have competitions on the day, give actual demonstrations. The show should be there for things I can’t get the rest of the year anywhere else 

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