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We have heard lots of reasons why people don't want to engage with SoSMR, but we have'nt had any constructive suggestions on what they CAN do to be a benefit to members. What do we want from our trade organization?

Discounts from suppliers? Its been tried but not supported.

What would encourage members here to join SoMSR?

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I think you have your answer in the above replies?

1. Needs a strong and educated leader

2. more transparancy with funds

3. better communuications

4. listen to the trade and make it a work related assn with membership catergories based on skill levels which would involve test/exam/inspection/or something

5. negotiate with suppliers


please feel free to add

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I suppose that the big question is "What can they do with their limited resources?"


Do we give them up or do we look on them in a similar way as the monarchy, as a figure head for our trade.


I liked the way that "Flash" paraphrased JFK. That we "ask not what my organization can do for me but ask what can I do for my organization"


Several good points have been raised.


The transparency is issued is easily resolved by publishing or sending to members the anual accounts. They always used to!


The strong leadership has been tried. We had a general secretary called, I think, Mike Lynch. He was highly paid and highly motivated but couldn't raise the membership numbers and revenue, to a level to support the aims and ambition that he had.There were only about 6000 independent repairers and I would suggest there are far fewer now.


The biggest membership incentive in my mind is the members only discount deals from suppliers. It was tried. It fell by the wayside when suppliers were reluctant to show favouritism to members and feared the backlash from non members.


I love the idea of a skills based membership!! I suggested it a long time ago.


The idea was to have a 3 tier membership with level of membership written under the window sticker logo incorporating the year.

Level 1. Associate member. Entry level. Referenced by a supplier

Level 2. Full member. After a skills based test.

Level 3. Fellow. After a skills and written test similar to the old city and guilds grade 3

The fellowship recipient would be allowed to use the letters FSoMSR after his name and on his/her promotional material and advertising.


The problems are, of course and as usual, the cost!


We work in a discount orientated trade where everybody is looking to save every penny and find the cheapest deal. I know because I am probabl;y one of the biggest offenders!


I would anticipate that the costs of a test would be (and I am guessing here) about £500 plus traveling expenses. Are there enough (any) willing to pay for these qualifications.


So what of the future for SoMSR? It looks bleak as we old stalwart supporters fade away. (sad face emoji)

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I don’t want our trade society to ask for discounts, at the end of the day, our suppliers are in business just like us, so unless I’m buying high volumes, I don’t expect a hand out.


What I want is for them to further the trade. Keep us going into the future. SOMSR need to start being more like the SSIA.

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the trouble with somsor ? out of touch with  the real world  120 a year for what  abit of paper not worth it  has it ever engaged with its members  don't think so has never done anything positive for its  members think not  theres an appethey in this business  which basically says " im alright jack " 

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  • 1 month later...

its going to fall by the wayside ,  its out of touch with real repairers  takes the money does nothing with it , well nothing for its members , mention has  been made  of the ssia ( the American version) , well  the ssia has a meeting once a year  were those who go  attend a meeting they  talk vote in  the chairman etc discuss business  , its transparent , somsr isn't  to  be honest  what exactly do they do?

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They should make Rick the chairman imo. Knows the trade inside out, knows the people inside out and is relentlessly loyal to the industry.


Who even is the chairman? Cutting edge need to do what they do best organise a decent show and produce a decent magazine and finally get the right person from within the trade at the helm of somsr and give that person a budget.

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the sad thing is you cant charge  90 quid  for a bit of paper and a sticker ( although at the moment you probabaly wont get either of those ) it just dosent make sense truth is the powers that be don't want to change it its been a joke for years and just like the old soldjer  its just going to fade away which is  probabaly for the best

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Good morning gentlemen. ( and ladies) 

Some of you will perhaps remember me from my time in the trade. 

I have agreed, during a senior momentary lapse of concentration, to act as temporary secretary for SOMSR.  At present  I'm working my way through the backlog of paperwork and hopefully will have that under control very shortly. i will try, with the help of the Chairman and others, to deliver a more involved society.  We value the historic position of SOMSR and hope to make it a more attractive and useful society to be a member of.


 I am not an expert on social media so please be patient whilst I work out how to get that side of things back on track 

As soon as I can I will provide my personal contact details and if anyone wishes to get in touch I will be delighted to speak with them. 


Robin Healy 




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