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Back pain

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I've been really struggling with back pain the last 3 weeks, after numerous trips to the chiropractor I changed to a physiotherapist yesterday. Things feel a lot better today and she has changed the whole way I stand and work on the finisher.


Just wondering if anyone else suffers with their back and if they've had any advice that has helped.



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I use a power unit and it's just a little too low, it took me a while to get used to standing differently so I didn't get back ache after being on it all day.

Any tips?

I used to stand pretty much square on to the finisher with my left foot slightly further forward, this was the same if I was working on the cutters, bands or brushes. I have now been taught to stand with my feet both facing the finisher, left foot (almost) touching the base of the machine and the right foot much further back and use a rocking motion when working, it's hard to explain and feels weird at first but after a very busy day spend pretty much solidly on the finisher today is the first in ages I have no pain.


I have also been told to stand up tall pushing my chest out, this along with some stretching during the day I'm sat here painless on the sofa......bliss!

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do a warm up before you start

stretch your hams

what have you got on your feet?

i found standing all day in a pair of walking shoes didnt do me any favours

something soft soled with a bit of cushion made a huge difference

also if you have any underlying ailments this could affect your back

i had a football injury to my ankles from years ago that never healed (muscle has memory) and this caused sciatica needed months of massage therapy to put right

i could go on......

or you could dig a fukkin trench

carry on!

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do a warm up before you start

stretch your hams

what have you got on your feet?

i found standing all day in a pair of walking shoes didnt do me any favours

something soft soled with a bit of cushion made a huge difference

also if you have any underlying ailments this could affect your back

i had a football injury to my ankles from years ago that never healed (muscle has memory) and this caused sciatica needed months of massage therapy to put right

i could go on......

or you could dig a fukkin trench

carry on!

I feel with a bit of rhyming you could have turned this into a delightful, and educational, poem.

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