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Tesco doing Shoe Repairs

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Cutomer came into my shop the other day and said Tesco are doing Shoe Repairs & Key Cutting, so i went to Woodford Green branch saw Bollons Drycleaning taking ing Shoe Repairs 48hr service also with an automatic key cutting machine, i heard a whisper about this quite a while ago... Does anyone have a local tesco doing the same? and who is behind this? thought it was Timpsons but they are using Birch Mr Elf stock


Martin @ James Shoecare Barkingside :D

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I think you'll find this becoming quite common place in the next 12 months, I Believe Timpson have taken several hundred store, so perhaps the remaining ones have been put out to tender?



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A used car dealer told me, byfleet tesco near woking are doing car key cutting and programming. They have a huge section dedicated to this topic. Like lee said it will become more common. Because times are hard big companies will diversify.

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I was told that there is 30 opening within the next 2 weeks...

'bolt on units' almost like 'Lego' how there put together!

this is going to change the trade again 'if it works'

thing i would like to know is 'which prison does the staff training'?

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Training someone to cut keys only takes a couple of days.

28 years of experience,learning and mistakes cannot be tought in a couple

of days.


Even though the new machines are virtually stand alone machines with very

little user input they still need some sort of knowledge to operate correctly.

You usually find with these machines that once the machine has been used a whill and needs calibrating

it will very soon become a large dust gatherer as no one has the intelligence to repair it.

When our local B & Q tried cutting keys most didn't work and as a result the staff sent the customer

down to us,best form of free advertising we ever had.

Needless to say the machines are now gone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

regular customer came into day and informed me that he can get his shoes soled and heeled in work for about £3 50 done by timpsons .apparently there is a full shop setup including keys engraving wathrepairs and so forth in his works , where does he work i hear you wonder .well i will say this the grand opening was attened by 2 brothers and a member of the no 1 family and is a rehabiletation of inmates programe at hmp walton liverpool

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regular customer came into day and informed me that he can get his shoes soled and heeled in work for about £3 50 done by timpsons .apparently there is a full shop setup including keys engraving wathrepairs and so forth in his works , where does he work i hear you wonder .well i will say this the grand opening was attened by 2 brothers and a member of the no 1 family and is a rehabiletation of inmates programe at hmp walton liverpool



how much????? :evil: :evil: :twisted:

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Several months ago we were concerned because a Timpson was about to open in our local Tesco!

However the responce really surprised us.

Firstly a lot of cusomers kicked off with the Tesco management! They came in here screaming that they were discusted with Tesco for allowing Timpsons in to there shop.

99% of people said they would not use Timpsons they evan went into Timpsons and made a complaint.

The local paper even got involved. A reporter came in here and asked us what our responce was to to the complaints they had recieved from customers about Timpsons opening in Tesco. We replied that there was not a lot we could do. They then whent to the Tesco manager and asked him then to Timpson asked them. they were both taken surprised. that ended with a picture of us and our shop getting lots of Free advertizing.

Our takings went up 45% Not surprising the prices they charge.

We evan stated getting asked to solve the problems with the car keys that the chap in Timpsons had created?

They have now been open a few months and we still keep hearing of what a loss there shop is, Customers tell us every time they go into Tesco, The Timpsons chap is sat down reading the paper. the chap who works for Timpsons finally approached us and asked us for a job, as his takings are so low he cannot make his wages up.

So we would just like to say Thankyou timpsons, and Tesco keep up the good work! :D

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It would also be fair to say that an independant is also often the best advert for timpson. Some of the workers are highly skilled and excellent with customers. Not that I'm saying they don't cause problems but if you assumed all independants to be the same company I would bet you would have a similar percentage off poor quality shops

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thats a fair point wage slave, I get a lot of new work, from the entire spectrum of business'

I've also no doubt that there would have been an occasion or two, where for what ever reason a customer has been dissatisfied with my service (particularly not offering a while you wait one!) & has slagged me off to my competitors. it works both ways.

Quite honestly I'm confident enough in my customer base to know that a new competitor or its location wouldn't dent my brand to badly!



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This is an example of how Multiples and Independants can exist in the same locality.


As for Tesco-Land, my corner shop is a giant Tesco and the benefits I get are several fold,

1. I no longer have to make a journey of several miles into the local Town for goods.

2. I know what the stock and the stock is considerable.

3. The service from staff is excellent, if you ask where something is they take you to it, not just tell you where it is.

4. It cuts down on the Carbon footprint as I no longer have to go serching around various other shops.

5. They are open 24 hours for the grocery side, which means that as a Pensioner living on Beans on Toast :) I can get a loaf of bread at midnight after being half cut on Champagne type wine bought earlier in the day at Tesco.

6. At 10.30pm last night I was in urgent need of Wallpaper paste, now where else in the UK can you get that product at 10.30 pm.

7. Tesco and the like only exist because they provide a service that may be better than others andthey open at convenient times, service with asmile and a general chat is the norm.

8. If I was in the market to open a shop then a Bolt on addition to a Tesco unit would be just about the best start I could imagine. Ready made customer flow with bright and attractive surroundings.

9. Oh and they dont sell "Sour Grapes"

10. Be rest assured that if you do get a duff product (from whatever service provior within the store) then the complaint will be dealt with to your satisfaction.

11. 7 ex branch managers from my local villiage now work as departmental managers in Tesco, all of them said that they wish that they had made the move earlier.


Now... when will Tesco be able to service my Car and provide a multi tasked tradesman to call at the customers homes to fix building problems??????

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When all the local shops close will they still be as cheap?



Possibly, as the existing competition try to emulate what Tesco are doing.

The sad part is that the local shops are a lifeline for folk with no transport, some of the older ladies are more in need of someone to talk to and you dont come accrosss your local neighbors so frequently in the Hypermarket situation.


Tesco have subsidised a bus service that runs twice a day to a site that is not served by public transport, however, there is never more than 4 folk on the bus.


It works for me as the store is in walking distance, but I woul;d not like to walk back with a Freezer :lol:

We as a nation are getting more dependant upon motorised transport and yet the governing bods are telling us to not use Cars that are Fossil fueled and yet.....they knock down local Hospitals and Schools so that everyone are forced to use this type of transport to get to places that they used to be able to walk to years ago.



Old Indian in the USA was wasked where he thought the White man had gone wrong..

His reply was,

Before the White man came we had no Taxes, Clean free Water, no debt, plenty of free Buffalo, plenty of Beaver and women did all the Work.

Indian spent all day Shooting and Fishing and had Sex all Night.

Then he said......Only the White man is dumb enough to thing he can improve on that.


I think we sould give up all shops and revert back to the old Indian ways :)

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Oh and he was also rumoured to have said " we tell the time by the Sun and the women make our Shoes, so we have no need for Lifetime guarantee Batteries or While you Wait Shoe Repairs. Our Teepee's have no Locks so we dont need second one half price Keys either". :lol:

But shopping at Tesco makes life much easier and we now have more energy for nighttime activities as we dont have to chase Buffalo, Buffalo Burgers now on the fresh meat counter "Buy one get one free"

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Austin

I wouldn't worry too much about it as alot have mentioned takes along time to learn the craft (and a shorter time to forget as i am demonstrating). Many years ago i tried to get a job running a chain repair shop to fill in before i went into the RAF. Believe it or not even though i had been trained by my Father who was a C&G examiner for the trade at the time and came in packing an award from the SOMSR a newsagent who had no experience got the job. Three months later the shop had closed down.


I can see the same cycle happening here it may well be an opportunity to show up the amatuers as before i knew everyone knew each other from the open days at places like the harboro rubber mills (which is a fabulously overpriced set of flats now) so you'll know the quality of the opposition isn't upto it. the only real issue i can see is the passing trade for keys and sundries

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Marylou_tk
Several months ago we were concerned because a Timpson was about to open in our local Tesco!

However the responce really surprised us.

Firstly a lot of cusomers kicked off with the Tesco management! They came in here screaming that they were discusted with Tesco for allowing Timpsons in to there shop.

99% of people said they would not use Timpsons they evan went into Timpsons and made a complaint.

The local paper even got involved. A reporter came in here and asked us what our responce was to to the complaints they had recieved from customers about Timpsons opening in Tesco. We replied that there was not a lot we could do. They then whent to the Tesco manager and asked him then to Timpson asked them. they were both taken surprised. that ended with a picture of us and our shop getting lots of Free advertizing.

Our takings went up 45% Not surprising the prices they charge.

We evan stated getting asked to solve the problems with the car keys that the chap in Timpsons had created?

They have now been open a few months and we still keep hearing of what a loss there shop is, Customers tell us every time they go into Tesco, The Timpsons chap is sat down reading the paper. the chap who works for Timpsons finally approached us and asked us for a job, as his takings are so low he cannot make his wages up.

So we would just like to say Thankyou timpsons, and Tesco keep up the good work! :D



I've just had a quick read through this topic as we had a Timpson arrive on our doorstep a few months ago. My dad and I have had our shop for 18 years and have been in the industry for over 30 (well he has, he just reared me to run it , like most who were born into the industry). We had the same response. i think a few of my old ladies went in when they first opened with handbags drawn!!! Customers have shown their support for our business by signing support forms, telling their friends and family about us and bringing shoes they wouldn't normally bring in for repair cos they're worried we'll close down and Timpson would be their only option.

The chaps in the shop spend most of their time reading the paper and staring into space. They have about 3 pairs of shoes on their shelves, while we're enjoying a bit of a boom in our shop. So as much as i feared their arrival, they've done us a favour by being there!!lol :lol:

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Worry not my friend. The opening of their shop can only do you good. Turn no jobs away. Are they your only competition? If so all the better for you. Do not undersell yourselves. Very often I find Timpsons outprice themselves. Price your jobs sensibly. Dont forget they send alot of stuff away and charge postage.

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Tesco shares are currently 429.00 pence

The 52 week range being 368.40 - 454.90 pence.


I like to cream off some of the fat from other peoples labour .... its pointless just going on about the tesco isation of the nation - by owning shares you have a say (albeit small) on how the company is run.... and hopefully you'll get a slice of the earnings too - so while timpson / tesco's are taking over the world, you get something back.

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