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Shoe Repairer Forum

Cutting Edge 2018

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I noticed that Cutting Edge isn’t on the calendar that comes with the magazine. Does anyone know if that means they just haven’t set a date, or is there a chance there isn’t a show this year?

I think I read in the magazine that the next one is scheduled for 2019?

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I missed that, just had a look, it’s back in 2020, so a 3 year gap and then every 2 years.

The reason is supposedly low turnout, yet they’re planning to host it in the same place, Birmingham.


I really support the CE show, but last year cost me a few hundred for the day, and it really wasn’t value for money, so I can’t see myself justifying the trip again.


We’ve all spoken about it at length, I’ll not start the debate again, but unless they start given people a reason to go, something they can’t get online, numbers will never increase.


Such a large break is risky too, if half your attendees realise that they are getting along fine in 3 years without the show, most wont bother to return

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Why not just hold it online. Have a section on this forum specifically for advertising new products with videos, photos and descriptions. Members can discuss them and rate them, and if anyone is interested in seeing that particular item, they can travel to wherever their nearest stockist is or a rep can bring it along on their rounds if it’s small enough.

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fact is  there was a poor turnout  , Hannes redenbach was  most upset  ( and can you blame him ?) there was something like just over 200  visitors ,  and some of them just wandered in  from the bike museam . so the old adage  use it or loose it ? , that's the trouble  with this trade ( which ive been in a long time and care a shit load about ) it I'm alright jack f--k anyone else , mind the stuffy buggers who run it do no favours to  use or them selfs RANT over  as for a virtual show  not for me  trouble is with us we never socialise perhaps we should ?

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I saw it as no surprise that the turnout was lower.

2016: there was a guest speaker giving a talk, the repair competition, it was in the middle of the country and there was a fair bit of advertising.

2017: nothing extra on top of what’s on suppliers websites, no competition, a location that’s too far for some and not as much build up advertising.


There is nothing wrong with the show being in a different location every year, it gives everyone a chance to attend.

I will happily go every year, but there needs to be a reason to attend, whether that’s talks, demonstrations, deals or something else.


How hard is it to get the Renia guys to give a talk and Q and A about gluing, I’ve seen various videos of them doing it abroad.

Instead of leaving the big companies sat on a desk all day, give them a time slot on a stage to show off their latest innovations.


Why are we so far behind the rest of the world? Why are we all sat scratching our heads about people not attending when literally across the road was a convention where something like half a million people attended, take a leaf out of the books of all these other successful shows

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 ok because nobody here gives a shit ( well some do ) but most don't ive supported the show for years  love the night out , mind kettering is a shit night out  .its apethey  I remember the one in the magna centre  took the missus and 3 very small kids  ( theve grown up  now ) but I still go my 1st one was 1986 or 7  cant remember at the g mex centre  remember  my  boss taking the piss out of the mars oil rep ? maybe it me but I fell old 

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Why not just hold it online. Have a section on this forum specifically for advertising new products with videos, photos and descriptions. Members can discuss them and rate them, and if anyone is interested in seeing that particular item, they can travel to wherever their nearest stockist is or a rep can bring it along on their rounds if it’s small enough.


Is Youtube not doing jus this?

Great idea though perhaps the SMSR should look at this, it may improve there standing within this trade 

Change of time of year?

May time perhaps?

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does somsr have any standing in this trade  ? er don't think so  120 reduced to 90 for an a4 bit of paper a  window sticker ? the new arbiratition service  bollocks to them a joke always was  never had any revelance to a REAL shoe repairer  most of tose  who had anything to do with it never   had  has their hands dirty in their lifes waste of time

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does somsr have any standing in this trade  ? er don't think so  120 reduced to 90 for an a4 bit of paper a  window sticker ? the new arbiratition service  bollocks to them a joke always was  never had any revelance to a REAL shoe repairer  most of tose  who had anything to do with it never   had  has their hands dirty in their lifes waste of time

I cannot say I disagree with you, i used to be a member and was on the board (long time ago) however I feel this trade needs something, were alone in this world against the establishment and with issues such as health and safety (which is a pain in the A***) employment crap and pensions then the VAT being 20% I would like to see someone like SMSR try and get the 20% down to 14%  where i think it is fairer (I think this is somewhere around the world),

no one incl the Government will take us seriously unless we have a national voice - the problem we have is 'The Voice is getting quieter and quieter'

This is just my point of view 

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 a valid point  , but  was somsr ever a voice for all of us , in 2014   I was at the kettering show spoke with david james  asked him what does somsr do for its members,  in fairness  he couldn't say they do anything?, and theres the rub. they don't have a good reputation. all they ever do is rehash the same old bollox over and over again.

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I cannot say I disagree with you, i used to be a member and was on the board (long time ago) however I feel this trade needs something, were alone in this world against the establishment and with issues such as health and safety (which is a pain in the A***) employment crap and pensions then the VAT being 20% I would like to see someone like SMSR try and get the 20% down to 14%  where i think it is fairer (I think this is somewhere around the world),

no one incl the Government will take us seriously unless we have a national voice - the problem we have is 'The Voice is getting quieter and quieter'

This is just my point of view 


14% on what ?. Shoe repairs ? key cutting ? Retail ?.


Can you imagine the difficulty of working out the differing rates on different items. That said we have been vat registered for over 20 years so we just accept it for what it is.


Would never happen no matter if the somsr had over 20.000 members.


We just hope it does not rise anymore than the current rate.

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14% on what ?. Shoe repairs ? key cutting ? Retail ?.


Can you imagine the difficulty of working out the differing rates on different items. That said we have been vat registered for over 20 years so we just accept it for what it is.


Would never happen no matter if the somsr had over 20.000 members.


We just hope it does not rise anymore than the current rate.

Ive been registered longer - but can remember locksmith and repair organisations taking on Gordon Brown in the very early days of the then government - he threw it out despite it being labor intensive, somewhere around the globe it's 7% lower as this reflects a fairer tariff - yes it might cause some headaches for people but every person NOT VaT registered would look at it with a better view point and might stop a lot of fraud.

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Why not just hold it online. Have a section on this forum specifically for advertising new products with videos, photos and descriptions. Members can discuss them and rate them, and if anyone is interested in seeing that particular item, they can travel to wherever their nearest stockist is or a rep can bring it along on their rounds if it’s small enough.

That is a good idea to hold it on the forum and something which could definitely be achieved, however many of the major suppliers (except a couple you can see as the forum sponsors) are unwilling to support the forum by sponsoring it. It costs quite a bit of money each year to host the forum, as well as pay for the forum licence each year. On top of that there is cost to maintain the forum if anything goes wrong etc.


As you will notice, there is quite a bit of sponsorship available for suppliers to help support the running of the forum. Currently if it wasn't for us absorbing a large majority of the running costs then the forum would cease to exist!


We could potentially hold it on the forum just for sponsors, however at the moment the list of sponsors would be very short!

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somsr with 20 000 members   give it 2yrs  they will be lucky to  have 20 ?, which is a shame  as they are supposed to be OUR voice, pity we didn't have more of a say ,

Forget SOMSR, they are a meaningless enterprise.  The world has moved on and like Tom D says, they do not represent the Trade and haven't done for over 10 years, it's only Chris Wilson that believes it's relevant and it's only him and Charles Birch that kept it going, consuming many thousands of pounds!

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suppose you  have to admire it as a business , charge 120 a year  reduced to 90 for a bit of  paper  a window sticker  an out of date website a facebook page that  nobody  has posted on since last January   a closed bank account so you cant pay your membership a bit like  the fairytale  " the emperors new clothes"  nice to  have our trade represented my  such  noble & honest folk ?

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