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Sent a chubb key to the clueless people at sks on 15/11/2017 to have 2 copies made, 

After being told they had to order the blanks to cut the key, they then said they did not know they were out of stock until they did a 

stock take, they then said they were having trouble with their supplier and then said they were having them in that week.

 Not once did they call to update us what was happening and just kept fobbing us off with bullshit.

I could go on and on .

 They really are a shite company and  would suggest everyone stops using them.


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Have always had 1st class service from SKS. Not going to stop using them because of your bad experience.


Why not take your Ava key to a local locksmith, I'm sure you could still make a profit? If none around you do Ava, advise them the best place to go. Customers like helpfulness and remember you for the jobs you can do in-house.

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that's a bit of  strong.


always very happy with sks, why not buy the clamps and do the ava's yourself?

i agree a bit strong..but wholesalers need to be treated like we r treated by our customers,  imagine you treated your customer in this way they will not put up with this..and if they left a feedback expressing genuinely how they felt, nobody would disagree..

ava adaptors are a bit pricey if you dont get asked much..£300 and i got asked once last year

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if I stopped using all the suppliers ive fell out with over the  years  id be out of business, ive used sks for years  ( steve  hick is  a top bloke), ive just kicked  into touch a well known  shoe repair wholesaler ( not Charles  birch this time ) although ive had my  share of shite from them over the years . sit down take a deep breath . have a cup of tea , but  don't loose your rag over  a wholesaler  not worth it

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Pm me a photo of the key and i can cut it as long as it is good quality and in focus.


I can cut all chubb AVA keys by photo unless really badly worn.


Thanks for the offer Graham, however the customer has now decided to look elsewhere, and thanked me for wasting his time etc.

 If i do get anymore in i will certainly remember your offer.

  Tom, i did sit down and took a deep breath, many cups of tea, calmed right down ,then posted, otherwise i would be banned by now.

Have a great crimbo all.


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Hate to sound defeatist, but sometimes it's really not worth the bother getting a third party ( in this case SKS) involved in a sale. It takes longer, more can go wrong and invariably it's a lower profit margin.


Yeah your probably right about the third party bit, sometimes it's not always the profit I look at its just that I want to keep the customer happy and meet their requirements.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah your probably right about the third party bit, sometimes it's not always the profit I look at its just that I want to keep the customer happy and meet their requirements.

You are sometimes better to look on here for help. There is a wealth of knowledge on this site and members more than willing to sort you out  ..... Maybe next time just ask here first.  Graham has helped me out so much, never let me down, all his keys always work.  I don't need to go to wholesalers. 

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