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Latest Mila Blanks

Guest Lock N Safe Buddy

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Guest Lock N Safe Buddy

Having probs cutting the new Mila keys. Original has a Square key bow marked BSEN1363:2005 Grade 6 16000C60. Tried the usuals inc Universal but no luck. Any ideas... pretty please

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Why are you Buying Genuine blanks when the E*S MP6 (Silca EUS 1) is exactly the same key. :roll:


Because as a professional key cutter i prefer to use genuine blanks whenever possible, Also the price for genuine blanks is actually cheaper from Brisant than the Silca EUS1 even buying in 250 at a time that i currently do.


Aldridges price will be 1p cheaper than Brisant.

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Why are you Buying Genuine blanks when the E*S MP6 (Silca EUS 1) is exactly the same key. :roll:

The same reason I put Vibram and Topy on Primark shoes.


If a genuine blank isn't massively overpriced I will stock it as standard. If I don't stock the genuine one I try and match the blank as close as possible to an original - steel, nickel plated, head shape etc.

A lot of trade friends laugh at my boards as being OTT. Certain keys such as universal I stock both steel and brass to suit a customer's preference.

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