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Everything posted by grahamparker

  1. GMK means Grand Master Key. Be careful who you are supplying.
  2. If it is for an EM-B container then I have been searching for these for over 2 years without any success. Abus do not make one that is longer than 5 pin neither do Kasp who copied the Abus 65 profiles for there range of padlocks.
  3. No Machine has one cutter does all. My triax pro for instance I currently have 25 cutters as we like to cut keys professionally as they should be to manufacturers specifications.
  4. Why does it appear to look nothing like the original but still work perfectly? If it works there is nothing wrong with the depths !!.
  5. Not bad for someone who never took a single exam at school. Even though I was in all the top groups. Never went back to sit the exams as i was already working from the age of 14 and went full time easter 1983 and did not think they would make any difference to my life. I was right.
  6. Silca SKP have them but the cutting card is locked unless you become an agent. Should be the same on instacode to stop cutting to code by anyone. I can supply you cut to code if you want.
  7. Yes seen them available from Avocet direct if you have an account. How many do you need i can add some to my next ABS order for you if they have stock.
  8. Magnets in the key head Rick. There is a cover that closes over the ignition lock as an additional secrity layer. Pretty sure Silca have now produced this as i read it over the weekend but cannot find where to check if it is the same blade.
  9. It is the way the machine is programmed to cut. Have similar issue with a Triax pro, on the snake cut the machine returns to position 1 after every cut. So rather than a smooth straight line when you have 2 x 3 cuts side by side on the original the machine will cut a 3 go to a 1 then down to a 3 cut and so on. If they keys work don't worry about it.
  10. Not seen them mate. Thought you meant the 1/3 star cylinder key.
  11. Yes mate always has been. Its the same cutting card as used for the Federal YCF Cylinders.
  12. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235408251290?chn=ps&_ul=GB&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1Jg5r5PojRH2OsKMqT3u_xA81&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=710-134428-41853-0&mkcid=2&mkscid=101&itemid=235408251290&targetid=1647205088120&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=1006800&poi=&campaignid=19926849521&mkgroupid=147378848803&rlsatarget=pla-1647205088120&abcId=9311021&merchantid=773461375&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA84CvBhCaARIsAMkAvkLpiWYfItPex9RPOmsgrqjSbfv8JDTPWmgGqLEGM8d6WJYrWmK64x8aAq-EEALw_wcB
  13. It's not LF12 or REN1R. There are 7 cuts for a start not 5. I will check in the morning when back at work as I have cut some of these to code recently.
  14. There is not a code, colledges and a few others are supply the old ABS WA, WB series blanks as copy blanks have now hit the market. The Master series is only available to approved Stockists.
  15. We have cut hundreds of these for a couple of local oil refineries and the only blank that fits is a Keyline UN6DSLM and we buy them from NW keys. They do need shortening to length though and the angle of the backcut must be correct otherwise they bottom out before alignement. Cheap crap locks as we had one brought in to try to find a blank.
  16. Is Ironplanet still on here ?. His leather work is absolutely stunning.
  17. Had it happen many years ago on an ID42 I believe but there is a rescue option in the software to sort that issue out.
  18. Ring Advanced Diagnostics to see if you can speak to Lee or Matt they will be able to answer you problem. Usually happens if you remove the original key when warned not to.
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