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if they are on the same service provider I just got a huge sorry e-mail explaining someone switched a power supply off to do work and the backup was faulty causing a crash that led to hundreds of providers screaming for 8 hours while it recovered, then it went into day 2 I have claimed a refund but my sites are not critical and thank unseen daiety that it happened post Lockexpo or I would have been shafted

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many sites have had to remove oem badges from the stock they sell , remkeys have removed all vehicle logo from their key range , so nothing out of ordinary with this , i suspect they are all being made to do this.

what ever will be will be , the speculation and the chinese whispers are normally way off the mark. im sure that what ever the truth is at end of day it will be common knowledge and less exciting than the chinese whispers lead us to believe.

ive read where others claim what they have been sent is not oem , even locked and unworking keys , my own experience as a customer has been very good , and ive not recieved any iffy products from them myself , so can only judge them as a supplier by my own experience which has been positive on the whole , so until facts come out to the contrary they remain a good supplier , id rather not also have them as a competitor on retail jobs , but as a supplier ive no issues.

id believe the jungle drums more if it was the many resellers of chinese keys on ebay and online , seems to be a whole host of these now , some even exhibit at trade shows

im sure they are working hard to get normal service resumed , time will of course tell , so rather than speculate , best to wait for normal service or not to resume

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On 3/23/2019 at 8:53 PM, da miller said:

sorry to say but they gone

trust me

is this just speculation , based on the rumour mill or info based on fact ? as it is a big statement to make about a supplier .

ive missed it all as been away on holiday , everytime i go away something kicks off , if the official statement is server melt down then maybe it is just that , we all rely on computers far too much these days , wouldnt be an issue if we still used pen paper and maths , or in micks case an abacus.


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8 hours ago, rapidlocks said:

 wouldnt be an issue if we still used pen paper and maths , or in micks case an abacus.


Cryptic messages on Social Media not explaining the problems do not help. Most companies have backup servers for this eventuality or give out mobile numbers get pens and paper and still take customer orders explaining you will dispatch once everything is up an running again. To Cease trading immediately suggests something more sinister and does not help with the rumours.

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mick , i prefer maths and simple tools too , which is why us old boys can still work when the computer says no.

to say they ceased trading doesnt look to be the case , some orders still got shipped , and from what ive read they have processed some orders and are stating open again despite the depleted stock lines. so they are trading. in fact a back order has come in and been dispatched to me today which confirms they havnt ceased trading , suspend orders for a few days is a huge difference to ceasing to trade.

i do agree that a better announcement , would indeed have culled some rumours , i dont understand the sudden inability to trade whilst servers down as order pickers still have legs and eyes , so orders can be picked and sent out as im sure they have a manual back up procedure , so i can see how this adds to the rumour mill , so yes i can see the indicators suggesting theres more to it , the depleted stock lines , the removal of logo's etc will add fuel to the speculation , but in the absence of any actual facts its impossible to know if just a server issue without the forsight of a manual back up,  or something more troublesome and damaging , im sure all will at some point become clear , but withoiut provable facts its harsh to write someone off on the basis of speculation.

i wouldnt be sad to see them gone as a retail competitor thats true , but as a supplier it would be sad and i hope they recover swiftly,  as i rate them as a supplier and would be missed.

i prefer to give the benefit of the doubt , im sure theres more to it than server melt down , but thats there business and not mine , im sure they will be doing all they can to resume normal service and probably dont need all the speculation and rumours kicking around if untrue , im all for info based on fact but unfounded rumours can cause alot of damage to an excellent reputation as a supplier and should be kept to facts alone .

as a supplier i do hope they get all back on track swiftly 

if more to it then id much sooner see the authorities clamp down on the ebay sellers and locksmiths and garages playing at being wholesalers of china keys online and on facebook , as these are a far bigger problem and i suspect avoiding a great deal of import duty and taxes too , id welcome a purge on these parasites rather than mainstream suppliers who trade legitimatly 


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I agree with you totally there. There are so many companies shipping goods into the UK with dodgy invoices and then the tax man doesnt get his fair share of the tax. If you are vat registered it doesnt matter as you get it back. When ever we get goods in from around the world we make sure we get correct invoices which match the payments we sent. 

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agree peter , but this is also what leads to their downfall eventually , so many put what they paid in full through their books yet only have an invoice for $100 , doesnt take much leg  work to find the scam , and penalties if caught will put most of these out of business for good . id welcome a purge on these parasites even happy to point the investigators in the right direction.

it creates an uneven playing field for proper suppliers who have to pay taxes and charge taxes , the parasites have gotten away with it for far too long

id buy from 3d or aldridge etc everytime over the online parasites

i can never understand the rumour mill , so much speculation with opinions drawn from speculation only and not from fact serve to do no more than make a bad situation worse and ruin a firms good reputation , when mud is slung some always sticks even when unfounded , so far better to await facts than to speculate , im sure all will get resolved .

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From 3D's Facebook page this afternoon

3D Group Official Statement:

There has been a lot of speculation as to the circumstances surrounding our unexpected closure last week and we feel it is now time to fully explain. 3D Group would like begin by apologising wholeheartedly to all of our customers and friends within the industry for not being able to make this statement sooner, but for reasons that will become apparent as you read on, we had to seek legal counsel before doing so.

Last Tuesday, 19th March, we received a visit from Trading Standards along with brand protection officers from several manufacturers. They entered our premises with a warrant pertaining to counterfeit goods, which they defined as any branded product not stored in original packaging and easily traceable back to a dealer network. Over the course of the day they seized over £500,000 in stock including many original packaged products bought directly from their respective dealer networks. During their visit we actually received a delivery from one of our main dealer suppliers which included original remotes not in genuine packaging. They chose not to confiscate these items, however, even though they were not packaged. In spite of this we were given no opportunity to present any evidence relating to the purchases of any of our other stock.

We made the decision to temporarily close during and after the Trading Standards inspection for a number of reasons: Firstly, our servers were also seized during the investigation which meant we had no access to much of the data and software needed to run our business effectively. Secondly, as Trading Standards made no note of what products they had taken, we had to conduct a complete stock take of our whole warehouse before we knew what stock was left on site. This process took our entire team over a full trading day to count, check and make adjustments to our stock levels.

At 3D Group we pride ourselves on the quality of our products. Wherever possible, we source items through dealer networks and deliver any items that are received in original packaging to our customers in that packaging to give reassurance that the items are genuine. Where original packaging isn’t offered, suppliers are assessed and samples are ordered and thoroughly inspected to ascertain quality. If there is any doubt that the goods we have received are not original, they are either returned or amended and sold as aftermarket. This could include removing the logos, however in many cases we will swap the remote shells for our great quality aftermarket versions. We believe in transparency and so aftermarket products have a “c” in the part number and/or “aftermarket” in their description so that our customers can easily see if an item is aftermarket or not. We do not condone the behaviour of any other suppliers in the industry who do not clearly label their aftermarket products as such. The majority of product lines affected are original remotes and none of our aftermarket products have been affected as we strictly do not stock any aftermarket remotes with logos.

Fortunately, we still have a huge range of stock available as well as a large amount of savings that will be reinvested. We will continue to trade as best we can whilst our stock levels are replenished. Moving forward, we will take more precautions when purchasing stock and if we believe an item to be original but we cannot prove unequivocally that it came from the dealer network, the logo will be removed and the item will be sold under an “nl” (no logo) part number. We will also be introducing new icons on our website, helping to make it clear to customers if the item they are purchasing is direct from the dealer network. We will also add new fields showing whether a product has been sourced from the dealer network with a logo, if the case has been changed, if the logo has been removed or if the product does not come with a logo from the factory.

We now have fantastic legal and financial teams on board to help us navigate this understandably difficult situation and we would like to reassure all of our customers that every employee at 3D Group is working as hard as they can to help maintain our fantastic levels of service and to return our stock range back to normal as promptly as possible. We have already had so many heart-warming messages from our customers who wanted to show their support and we would like to say thank you, sincerely. It means an awful lot to us all.

We hope that this case concludes with a positive outcome, otherwise we may well see the end of automotive locksmith suppliers selling genuine remotes within this industry and everyone will have to rely on their local dealers or solely stock aftermarket products.

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and reiterates my point on unfounded statements such as "they are gone " and the unjust speculation that tarnishes their reputation further that gets posted is innacurate and potentially liable .

im all for tightening up this industry , but not by such ridiculous siezures of provable genuine stock being siezed until they conclude their investigation , if 3d had been a less succesful group such a siezure could be terminal , its no comfort being exhonerated once you go under , im glad they are in a position to weather the storm .

it would make much more sense to target the resellers of chinese counterfeit keys and the online sellers and those that buy  china keys who avoid import duty with their doctored low invoices , it is these they should be targetting not legit suppliers

lets hope this puts an end to the jungle drum network of innacurate and unfounded speculation once and for all . 

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3 hours ago, rapidlocks said:

and reiterates my point on unfounded statements such as "they are gone " and the unjust speculation that tarnishes their reputation further that gets posted is innacurate and potentially liable .

im all for tightening up this industry , but not by such ridiculous siezures of provable genuine stock being siezed until they conclude their investigation , if 3d had been a less succesful group such a siezure could be terminal , its no comfort being exhonerated once you go under , im glad they are in a position to weather the storm .

it would make much more sense to target the resellers of chinese counterfeit keys and the online sellers and those that buy  china keys who avoid import duty with their doctored low invoices , it is these they should be targetting not legit suppliers

lets hope this puts an end to the jungle drum network of innacurate and unfounded speculation once and for all . 

I'm with you Martin 3D are a great bunch to work with

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Martin i totally agree with you on your points. All the speculation and inuendo was wrong and uncalled for.

It is worrying that this can happen and they are not even interested in the persons opinion on facts and just take away your OEM stock from legitimate sources.

We all know when you buy an some Opel / vauxhall keys from the dealer it does not have a bag or box. And they are not the only dealer like this.

I  would love to see the resellers of keys who have dodgy invoices with ultra low values to avoid duties and tax  stopped from duing this.

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