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Shoe Repairer Forum

June 2011 - Member of the year.

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It time for our yearly MEMBER OF THE YEAR competition.


Once again, This years prize is £100 of Argos vouchers.


The winner will be the member who receives the most votes. (In the event of a tie, I will make the final decision based on the “reason for the nomination” replies.)


So who do you think is a worthy winner? Who’s given that something extra to the forum this year?




The winner will be announced on our 6th Birthday, the 1st July 2011.


Previous winners


2006: Ascap29

2007: Hugh-Candoit (ENG) & Planet UK900

2008: Planet UK900

2009: TeL200

2010: Andy



Good Luck.




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there is no cash alternative to this prize, in the early days winners always donated. But I felt it was nice for someone, a special someone each year to be rewarded for giving something extra to the site.

The prize was changed to vouchers for this reason.


Please nominate appropriately. This is the one time of year for someone to shine!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Today sees the 6th Birthday of http://www.shoerepairer.info & I’m now pleased to announce the winner of


The Shoe Repair Forum Member of the year award 2011.


Before I tell you the winner there’s a few members who deserve a special mention.


I would like to thank all the sponsors for their continued support of the site, it’s a massive endorsement that our suppliers are still willing to put their names on the site, despite the rants & digs it proves that ultimately we conduct ourselves in a professional manner.


Thanks also to the moderators, their tireless involvement is a massive help to me, with specific thanks to StevenB this year whose spell checking has got me out of a BIG hole in the past couple of months!


With regards to the member of the year award, one member who has never won the award but always stands out as a runner EVERY year from the beginning of the site is Tel200, Even though he’s not prolific on the site he is a great source of back up in a more personal manner on the phone to many, many members & always gets his votes.


Andy also deserves a mention on the roll call with his charitable logo zapping he’s put in a lot of work for others, respect.


Finally a personal thank you from me, thank you to all those people who have helped me in the past 12 months, bits & pieces posted, snippets of info, help, support & phone calls there’s never a day goes by where I haven’t spoken to one of you! & off course thanks to all the chat room regulars “The inner circle” brighten up any dreary day!


So onto our Member of the Year award.


This years winner of a £100 Argos voucher with nomination comments which included


“Very witty and usually gives good sound advice.”


“I usually find his posts amusing and sometimes helpful” ( I laughed at the “sometimes helpful”)


“has been a good help in helping me to get started in engraving”


The 2011 Member of the year is


Rlj - Graham Cawthray from Cawthrays Llandudno


Many congratulations Graham. Perhaps the nomination that summed up your win the best was this one


“I know some people think he's just a sheep shagging old welshy, but last year Graham helped me out by doing an engraving job for me when I didn't have the time to do it after Henry was born. It turned out to be a much longer job than I'd imagined & took him hours & hours to do. He refused to take any payment, settling instead for a donation to the charity. Top bloke. For this alone, he gets my vote. He's always around, gets stuck in & isn't afraid to stir things up, which can only be a good thing!”


O’ yes & this vote which may echo the sentiments above


“cause he shags sheep”


Is there anything you wish to tell us Graham?


On a serious note I think the nominations show us how Graham clearly gives a lot to members that perhaps we never know about, I was once told an ounce of help is worth a ton of pity & it looks like Graham is always at the forefront to help out if he can.


Congratulations rlj - Member of the year 2011.



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well done welshy :D


i pass the gauntlet of godlyness to you my son......


look after it well......and remember.....with great power comes great responsibility



also remember the deal we struck over the argos vouchers. can i have the captain america costume please



=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

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Thanks for the kind words fellas. :oops: :oops: I'm flippin gobsmacked. Never expected that. What a grand bunch you all are.


That's the first sensible thing you've ever said :D I guess after 1688 posts it was about time :lol:

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