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Multiples give us a bad name!

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This pair of shoes came into us, because the gentleman's wife had taken them into a well known multiple shoe repairer's, and he was so, very annoyed at what they had done to them.


Honestly, they really do give us a bad name! There was a large hole in the sole, and they had put a stick on sole over it, and nailed it on!


Doesn't it just make you want to cringe when you see the rubbish repairs they are handing out?

At least our customer recognised a quality shoe repairer when he came to us, and returned \:D/

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isn't that those aforementioned rhino soles?


at least if you're gonna be cowboy enough to stick a sole over a hole then patch the hole first :P :lol: :lol:


seriously, the staff member who performed that botch job should be put named and shamed and put back on a YTS :evil: there's NO excuse that i could possibly think of for that sort of work being done [-X [-X


nice one busy for restoring faith in us lowly cobblers :D



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A repairer I used to do work for in very affluent Newmarket gets asked to put sos on soles with holes in all the time.I used to say that they really should have a proper sole on but he said he had tried and the customers just wouldnt pay for them to be done properly,and we were talking £150-£300 pairs of shoes!!!!

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Busy bee,


Look on the positive side. It appears you've acquired a new customer there.


We regularly (weekly) have customers who refuse to return to a multiple due to poor workmanship and/or refusing to accept the work in the first place. Some of their excuses are laughable. We see it as their loss and our gain. We get money in the till and a new customer too! Can't be bad.




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Looks like a nice job for a satisfied customer but, there is always 2 sides to a story.

As has been mentioned...customers sometimes will not pay the price of a proper job until the inferior job is done and the resulting problems occur.


Cant see any evidence of nailing this SAS on....sure you dont mean 2 rivits in the waist edges?


He should have binned them and bought a pair of SWs, 2 pair for under £60 :D


No matter who you work for, yourself or others, there is always going to be pre repaired footwear coming in that has been done by others that may not be up to the standard that you yourself aspire to.


Have seen hundreds of shoes knackered completly by Heel bars in the 70s, done by so called specialists.

Seen some horrendous jobs entered into competitions that were not fit to give out to customers.


Beware sitting in judgement as there is an old Hughby saying that goes "People in Glass houses should not stow thrones" :D


I would have just filled the hole with Freesole and charged him a tenner :D

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Dylon is a great range to have, lingerie whitener included. Clothes dyes a must, but net curtain whitener, fabric care & kettle descaler are all good lines. weigh out your own salt & you can earn an extra 50p per packet of dye.


Dylon & Punch have recently amalgamated, so maybe the marriage might benefit us.



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  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:

As has been mentioned...customers sometimes will not pay the price of a proper job until the inferior job is done and the resulting problems occur.


That doesn't make it right though does it?!


Personally, I'd rather do the job properly or not at all.

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  Dean said:
  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:

As has been mentioned...customers sometimes will not pay the price of a proper job until the inferior job is done and the resulting problems occur.


That doesn't make it right though does it?!


Personally, I'd rather do the job properly or not at all.


That was my argument.They may have been his customers but it was my reputation,although I'm not sure if he told his customers he was farming out the work due to not being able to cope with the workoad on his own.

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  michael26uk said:
A repairer I used to do work for in very affluent Newmarket gets asked to put sos on soles with holes in all the time.I used to say that they really should have a proper sole on but he said he had tried and the customers just wouldnt pay for them to be done properly,and we were talking £150-£300 pairs of shoes!!!!


Well I can only assume that the guy didn't have any customer skills whatsoever. You need to educate your customers, and then follow up with quality work, then the customer will understand what a proper repair is.


  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
Looks like a nice job for a satisfied customer but, there is always 2 sides to a story.


Not in this case there aint. The picture story speaks for itself.



  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
As has been mentioned...customers sometimes will not pay the price of a proper job until the inferior job is done and the resulting problems occur.


I would rather refuse the work than turn out that garbage. Any self respecting repairer would. I am absolutely rigid, I'll tell the customer to go elsware if they won't listen to reason. My reputation is worth far more than the price of a stick on sole in my till.






  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
Cant see any evidence of nailing this SAS on....sure you dont mean 2 rivits in the waist edges?


I can see evidence of rivets in the toes, but lets face it, one rivet is too many. Theres noway on earth you should be applying rivets to a simple sos job. So I can't see why your siding with this hidious attempt at shoe repairing.




  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
He should have binned them and bought a pair of SWs, 2 pair for under £60 :D



Is this the great Hugh candoit, retired self acclaimed been there and done that to the highest standards, recomending buying rubbish shoes and throwing them away. You should be using your influence to encourage repairers to raise there game, not side with rubbish repairs over quality craftsmen.




  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
No matter who you work for, yourself or others, there is always going to be pre repaired footwear coming in that has been done by others that may not be up to the standard that you yourself aspire to.


This is true. and its up to the lesser repairer to raise his game. Repairers who take the time to take pictures of bad work and of there quality rectification work should be applauded not scoffed at. They are the life and sole (nice pun) of the industry.





  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
Beware sitting in judgement as there is an old Hughby saying that goes "People in Glass houses should not stow thrones" :D



We are all here to be judged, weather its good or bad. The forum allows us to reply to that judgement. The judged in this thread have broad shoulders and should be able to respond as other do.




  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
I would have just filled the hole with Freesole and charged him a tenner :D


Is the real Hugh candoit on Holiday!!! leaving his log-in details with coco the clown.

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  k4mrc said:

heel bar turkey's should be kicked out of the trade!


Heel Bar definition.

A shoe repair unit specialising in the repair of heels mainly due to small premises or not having sufficiant equipment to carry out full repair job.

As multiples have the ability to farm out any work that comes to them that they are unable to cope with by sending it away to specialist centres this erradicates them from the Heel Bar list, now who is left!!!!


Have we got another case of sour grapes underfoot here gents?

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Quote by Planet.

Is this the great Hugh candoit, retired self acclaimed been there and done that to the highest standards, recomending buying rubbish shoes and throwing them away. You should be using your influence to encourage repairers to raise there game, not side with rubbish repairs over quality craftsmen.


The shoes are not rubbish just a couple of aspects are thats all.

I will never side with rubbish repairs and I've seen a few by members of this forum in the past.

Being retired for some time now I can look over both sides of the fence and to be honest I dont like what I see as a customer. You as a body of repairers are charging extortionate prices for chopping my sole in half and part glueing, part stitching a part of a sole on.

If..... If.... I can find someone skilled enough to rewelt and through sole my SWs then it will cost more than I paid for 2 pairs.... where's the bleeding logic in that?

No I aint saying it's all your fault and leather prices must come into the equation somewhere along the line but I would sooner have another 2 new pairs than one old repaired pair that I have to wear in again, that is after you have removed the bump from inside that was not there when I brought them to you. (there's always that one no matter how you try to talk your way through it isn't there).

God only knows how much laces cost!!! :D

I only pray that my Jimmy Ferragamo Stilleto's dont need soles on as no-one seems to have a No2 trimmer for leather soles nowadays :D :D

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  k4mrc said:

heel bar turkey's should be kicked out of the trade!


  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
Heel Bar definition.


I think what Martin is implying is a dodgy heel bar operation in the way of work turned out.



  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
A shoe repair unit specialising in the repair of heels mainly due to small premises or not having sufficiant equipment to carry out full repair job.

As multiples have the ability to farm out any work that comes to them that they are unable to cope with by sending it away to specialist centres this erradicates them from the Heel Bar list,


But the thread is about repairs that have been clearly carried out to a very poor standard, even you have to admit that.

  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
now who is left!!!!


Anyone who fits into this into the catagory that we are talking about.




  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
Have we got another case of sour grapes underfoot here gents?


I don't think so hugh, just because the repair was carried out by an unnamed multiple, doesn't mean we can't talk about it. After all we've disected just about everyone one elses ideals on here over the last 3 years. So whats your problem.

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  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
Quote by Planet.

Is this the great Hugh candoit, retired self acclaimed been there and done that to the highest standards, recomending buying rubbish shoes and throwing them away. You should be using your influence to encourage repairers to raise there game, not side with rubbish repairs over quality craftsmen.


The shoes are not rubbish just a couple of aspects are thats all.

I will never side with rubbish repairs and I've seen a few by members of this forum in the past.

Being retired for some time now I can look over both sides of the fence and to be honest I dont like what I see as a customer. You as a body of repairers are charging extortionate prices for chopping my sole in half and part glueing, part stitching a part of a sole on.

If..... If.... I can find someone skilled enough to rewelt and through sole my SWs then it will cost more than I paid for 2 pairs.... where's the bleeding logic in that?

No I aint saying it's all your fault and leather prices must come into the equation somewhere along the line but I would sooner have another 2 new pairs than one old repaired pair that I have to wear in again, that is after you have removed the bump from inside that was not there when I brought them to you. (there's always that one no matter how you try to talk your way through it isn't there).

God only knows how much laces cost!!! :D

I only pray that my Jimmy Ferragamo Stilleto's dont need soles on as no-one seems to have a No2 trimmer for leather soles nowadays :D :D


Hugh, I really don't want to be disrespectfull. but that is the biggest load of tripe I have ever read on this forum. Honestly mate, I couldn't even grace it with a response. Words fail me.

sounds like an uneducated, ignorant, disrespectfull load of shit.

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i have been watching this post very closely,the repair job seems to be very poor,but on the multipuls defence,in a few of there shops ,some of there guys really are FANTASTIC COBBLERS....and thete are a few who really let them down...


in my opinion the job seen in the above post,is more than likely been done by a RELIEF MANAGER OR SOMEONE WHO is aware they wont be there if/when the customer was to return to face the music..ALL they are interested is hitting there figures for the day/week just content with getting the money in the till anyhow.....BUT ALL YOU PENNY PINCHING AREA MANAGERS AND BOSSES who put there staff on performance related pay...................................THIS IS THE VERY VERY BIG DOWNSIDE!!!!! LOOK AND LEARN.........its not always about money..youre reputation is on the line pps.......are they 2 lefsided sos in the original picture or do i really need glasses.........?????

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Ha Busy Bee


I’m confused! If that pair of shoes came into you, why are the old leather soles both left feet & the Old Stick on soles Both right feet?????

Something doesn’t add up?

Also you’ve ground the original sole to remove it, yet the colouring of the old leather sole suggests to me that either they never had a stick on sole on them, as this is typical discolouration of a worn sole or there was no preparation before the stick on sole was put on. What's the story? please clarify the details for me.





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Its funny you say that about 2 left sided sos, cus I have been looking at them and thinking the same. Also theres no indentation on the sos where the hole in the leather sole is. Anyway like someone else says, if you are going to put a sos on sole like that at least patch the hole, it only adds a few mins to the job even if the punter is waiting. Must add that if a customer insisted on a sos on a worn out shoe I would reluctantly carry out the job. :-$

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  Lee said:
Ha Busy Bee


I’m confused! If that pair of shoes came into you, why are the old leather soles both left feet & the Old Stick on soles Both right feet?????

Something doesn’t add up?

Also you’ve ground the original sole to remove it, yet the colouring of the old leather sole suggests to me that either they never had a stick on sole on them, as this is typical discolouration of a worn sole or there was no preparation before the stick on sole was put on. What's the story? please clarify the details for me.






One leather sole is upside down :?:

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