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I placed my first order with the in August /September 2018 for maybe £250...  Then they disabled my account in January 2019 because i logged in lots of times and didn't place any orders......im learning car keys so everytime see a topic, i logged in to research... No replies on emails when i ask them why...  vague replies on facebook saying i logged in too many times without ordering...  anyone else experienced the same?  This seems pretty (word that rhymes with gritty) from them...

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i suspect alot use their site for research as it has alot of helpful reference material that they have obviously spent a deal of money and time to collate and put up for the benefit of their customers , but many will use the resource without buying and prefering to buy from china and the like , or look up part numbers to help them id the correct kd remote to use without buying , as a customer resource you cant really fault them for wanting this free resource to be for the benefit of there regular customers.

i dont think they expect you to spend fortunes , just order on a regular basis .

some forums now do similar , if you dont post and dont share and help they block those that read only , some manufacturers only let you view their forums and use their resources if you own their kit etc , it not uncommon and not wholly unreasonable of them to expect something back.

explain to them that you are new to this and building slowly , 1 order a month i suspect would keep them happy even if just for cloning chips and key blanks.

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I'm not sure but it's against the consumer's rights,
You have not signed a contract with them, you will spend 500 pounds every month
In my opinion, everyone can log in and check what's new and how much it costs. No one can force us to buy every time we log in
I wonder when they introduce  login tokens?
I think that this will happen soon if we allow them to behave stupidly

3D  [-X

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plenty me included will log in to check cost prior to quoting some jobs without buying daily , i dont think they expect you to buy every time just some of the time , i doubt they require £500 a month , more likely just a regular order once a month or so , which doesnt sound an unfair expectation .

consumer rights differ greatly business to business as opposed to business to end consumer , so im unsure and doubt it affects anyones rights  .

the answer is simple in reality , if you want access to their free reference info , buy something now and then and i suspect there will be no issues. or vote with your feet and get the info from alternate suppliers sites if you feel unfairly treated , this is a choice we all have at end of day .

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I have no problem with them disabling my online account, as i did log in and do lot browsing and reading.  Car keys represents less than 5 % of my business (diagnostic programming)  so apart from my initial order for 2 hundred odds, i didn't buy anything over the last 6 months.

When im getting residential keys from NW,  shoe repair from Birch, its easy to tag a few MH keys, KEY DIY and cloning chips onto my order rather than spend a few hundred on car keys and nothing else.

I do however have a problem of how they went about it.  Communication is key in business and if they communicated the reason to me then i would have had no problem agreeing to a minimum order etc.  Ignoring me when i asked them is the part that i found really poor.

No email to tell me.  No communication.  I asked the question to their office via emails.  No reply.  The only response i could get was on Facebook which was intermittent.

Anyway, they contacted me this morning on facebook after me contacting them again telling me its been reinstated. 

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All I can say is that in the almost 10 years that I have used 3D I have not had any serious issues.  In fact, I would say that customer service and reasonableness have been their strong point and the reason I use them regularly.  In particular, communication in my experience is excellent.  Of course, no company is perfect, but I have had very little cause for complaint.

3D do offer a lot of "Free" & in my experience reliable information on their website.  To use that information and then purchase from a company unable or unwilling to give such information in order to save a few quid would seem a little unfair to me.


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these days social media seems to be the 1st port of call . even to the point some threaten suppliers with social media if they dont get there way , though this is same with our customers , how did the world survive pre social media .

its the new elite , those responding on ads on social media believe they are entitled these days and deserve a cheap or free job , i always read , " tradesman wanted for ............ must be top quality and must be cheap " cheap and quality rarely go together in reality.

1st port of call should always be with the supplier direct , more gets resolved this way in an amicable manner , after an online onslaught many will be offended and do as little as they can to resolve an issue , id be same with a customer .

its a rare occasion mick , we are in agreement , lol

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