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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

We gave up on this one - yes we failed ! Had a few distributors/dealers ask us and sent the locks, genuine blanks from the manufacturer - but not much fun/joy in testing.


They need to create a Silca card and release the codes or they will just lose customers - it's not a big enough market for us to spend any more time on.

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  • 6 months later...

I cut them on the Triax no trouble but not to code.

No Silca card but use the Hercules 6 pin one.

I used to decode then cut from PC software then do "Exact Copy" for heights as they look massively out. But then had a lock in so just decoded and cut key to see if it would work, It worked fine so I don't bother with Exact Copy anymore unless its miles away.

The tolerance in these is massive but just shows how shit the locks are.   


As said above blanks from Hughes Wholesale.

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  • 1 month later...

From the ashes! Gatemate are now talking to us about getting this sorted - it may take a few weeks/months (if we involve Silca lol) but it seems a solution may be on the horizon.

It's not a 'top 10' problem for us right now as the volume is pretty low - but it's something we will address unless someone else solves it beforehand!

One day people who make & distribute locks will also consider how to make the keys.... when that happens I'll sack myself and go fishing.....





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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Anyone know the cutter/tracer combo for these?


Is there a list anywhere for the cutter/tracers for each key on a Silca Matrix, and if angled cuts are needed?

I don't have instacode and have to ask everytime a new key becomes available

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Anyone know the cutter/tracer combo for these?


Is there a list anywhere for the cutter/tracers for each key on a Silca Matrix, and if angled cuts are needed?

I don't have instacode and have to ask everytime a new key becomes available

There is a specialist guide in the download area. This will show all systems that require an additional cutter/tracer/clamp. If the system uses the standard equipment, it will not be listed.


As newer systems get released, updated versions are available from the Silca website www.silca.biz

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  • 2 weeks later...

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