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JR Competition 2011

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  • 2 months later...

Not the best of results for me this year in the JR competition, but this year was a learning curve for me so I was still relatively pleased with where I came.


The winning shoes where done by George Walker from Belper Derbyshire, who has has a period out of the trade & has only recently returned! His shoes where AMAZING! leagues above anyone elses & by far one of the best repairs I've ever seen. the shaped graft was to die for! & the hand stitched soles perfect.

I've got to seriously raise my game to get to his standard.





1st place:- George Walker

2nd place:- Peter Smith

3rd place:- Matthew Williamson

4th place:- (join, same score) Lee Ffrench, David Scott, Kenneth Simpson


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Sorry I haven't read all the posts, but looked at the winning image.


Personally I wouldn't be too happy if my local repairer made my expensive shoes look like a pair of daft cloggs, and filled the Waist!!! with dozens of rivets which will without doubt ruin the insoles, middle sole and welts. I think they look hidious sorry.

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verb (used with object)

1. to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend: to repair a motor.

2. to restore or renew by any process of making good, strengthening, etc.: to repair one's health by resting.

3. to remedy; make good; make up for: to repair damage; to repair a deficiency.

4. to make amends for; compensate: to repair a wrong done.

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Sorry I haven't read all the posts, but looked at the winning image.


Personally I wouldn't be too happy if my local repairer made my expensive shoes look like a pair of daft cloggs, and filled the Waist!!! with dozens of rivets which will without doubt ruin the insoles, middle sole and welts. I think they look hidious sorry.


Totally agree =D> =D>


JR comp is turning into a modern art comp

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Say what you see!....This comp should be about turning out a good honest repair. No fancy stuff. It's turning into a farce. Present a repair that you would turn out day after day and be proud of..... JR products or not.


Ok guys, you have a competition idea, who's gonna run it then?


Charles Birch ran a competition at the Exhibition, only one repairer pre-booked his spot before the show along with 10 individuals on the day :shock:

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To be fair, the guy obviously is a cracking repairer, I wouldn't dispute that...

He's done a repair that the judges liked, I don't... because if a sole was made to be nailed on then it would of been nailed by the manufacturer.


If the customer sent those shoes back to the manufacture now as they are they would refuse to do them FACT... so why is it the best shoe repair in the country. ???


To me it makes a mockery of a good repair, because it is floored in the eyes of anybody who knows thier stuff

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It is the best 'entry' based on the competition criteria :wink: :wink: This is how the individual interprets the Competition, you are more than welcome to throw your interpretation at it next year Mark! :D


I feel my efforts would be wasted tbh Keith, as I wouldn't do a "wacky" repair.


What is the criteria, does it not matter that the repair is not good structurally sound.

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This is heading into the same argument i had months ago ! Granted there has been a lot of skill gone into those shoes & they look great but it is more of an artform than a repair. I can see even less entrants next year now. Again i do think the 'master shoerrpairer' comp needs a shake up. But im sure the logistics are a nightmare. So im keeping a low profile on this one this time !

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We are taking all your comments on board. I think the competition will continue next year. There were a number of "new" entrants this year and we hope to attract many more. We may take a look at the specific requirements and tweak them slightly but the essential word is as always " craftsmanship" and the style can be interpreted by individual entrants in different ways. Each style becomes a signature of its creator and proves that shoe repairing can be an artform. Entries this year varied from minimalistic to decorative and each is judged on its merits in accordance with specific guidlines. The judges do not just pick the one they like the look of, it has to conform to the requirements in the same way that every other entry does. The opinion of the judging panel was that the winning entry displayed extremely high levels of craftsmanship albeit enhanced by the finishing touches placing it firmly at the top. However we would like to see all your entries submitted for the 2012 competition. A suggestion has been made to Rendenbach that we could submit the winning entries into an international event as they also run similar competitions in other countries.

If you have any suggestions for making the Rendenbach Shoe Repairer of the Year competition more interesting and which are do able please let us know.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pure guesswork here but, these are the same design on waists/riveting/colouring that we used in the 60s.

Very difficult to do, much more difficult than the bog standard repair, just try do copy the heel breast whale tale design for a start, it took me weeks to do.

The waists although looking superb are easier to do than the ones you have recently been seeing winning the competitions over the last 15 years or so.

These waists are not usually nailed but cemented then the nails are for design purposes only and do not go through to the insole, that's how we used to do it but George may have done a pure rivet job, though I doubt it very much.

Nice to see Artistic Interpretation showing that there is talent out there (just watch next years efforts to emulate this type of repair).

Many congratulations to Mr Walker and thanks for the trip down memory lane.


To those attending regular Wine tasting events I feel that this years bottling will be of a very poor vintage judging by all the sour Grapes.

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  • 3 months later...
Punch never ran a competition where you had to submit a pair of shoes.


Believe you me THIS competition is fair & well judged.


I came third last year & second the year before, both times initially (as is only natural with a competitive person) throwing into question the judging HOWEVER each time I spoke with the adjudicator, winners & other entrants (even taking time to talk to the Timpson boys & you can learn a lot from them!) after spending this time around the stand, felt I know exactly where I went wrong & that the judging was correctly & fairly carried out.


I also entered & won the punch competition, it took me 7 years dedication to win it, Key is not to criticize but to listen & learn. I've no doubt it will take me many more years to win the JR competition, but win it one year I will.


If you or your rep wants an accurate, truthful & experienced view on the judging of these competitions you'd both better come in my shop for a cup of tea. your rep is ignorantly misinformed & you can quote me on that.




Very Well Said !!


Jim McFarland

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