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There has been an attempt to undermine the forum by starting a new one run by the MSA, now the Trades bodies over the years have never been able to bring together the members of those organisations, but, having seen the results of this forum and the way members interact with each other it has set alarm bells ringing.

Subsequently they have started their own forum (currently no members).

I wish them well but, if they cant ignight sparks from magazine publications and get members interested what on earth do they think will get them to participate now.......


The secret of participation is the ability of the members to share a common interest, not just in the services but way beyond the day to day shop running and wholesale ordering from sponsors.

We as members pull each others legs, wind one another up, in the between passing over information that never gets to be seen in magazines.


Personally i have been in this trade for 50 years and have never seen interaction like on this forum. Stuffed shirts and "I know better than thou" folk are fine in publication but they know that they cant be attacked like they can on here. you have to be wearing a substantial suit of Armour to be a regular on here but everyone knows who to attack and who to nurture, it has taken a few years to get to this position and still bear the knife wounds in the back from frequent stabbings in the early days, but we survive and get stronger each month and the forum is a much better place for it.


Stick together and together you will be the voice of the future.

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Thanks "Carrots" methinks that we have more than enough expertise on the forum to repel borders, you & elfman on the specialist side are the backbone for advice that cannot be covered by normal repairers, all the services have top quality advisors, if they didnt I would not be here now trading insults with them :D

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Whilst involved with the 'Cutting Edge' committee, I was aware that the MSA were attempting to launch their own Forum. My opinion then, was the same as now, they should have spoken to Lee in depth and tried to work with him and not against him. Just my opinion of course :wink:

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We could all join and feed them duff info of course :D


I did hear on the grapevine last year that they were thinking of this road to go down and then as now, I thought it a desperate attempt to move forward without amalgamating and sharing.

There are many folk in these organisations that put in a tremendous amount of time and effort in trying to acheive what this forum has alread acheived. Those efforts do in the main, go unnoticed and unrecognised by the thousands that could benefit each year. Unfortunately the platform for the speakers has always been desserted as only the brave and sometimes the fool~hardy got up and stayed long enough to be counted.


They ~(the organisers)~ had a unique opportunity to get involved with this forum at the onset but chose not to, now they can see what effect the forum is having on the trade (and it is significant, especially with Wholesalers and the Services of Engineers and Manufacturers)they are taking that belated step into the unknown hoping for the miracle of interaction from the members.

To be honest they have address some issues that we could copy by subdividing some of the topics nito seperrate headings. For instance Shoe Repairs could be divided into about 6 different sections covering and addressing each problem & answer in its own division rather that posting under the general heading.

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hmmm, where angels fear to tread.


some things here, the msa is undergoing somewhat of a transformation, membership of it has many new benefits that martyn harvey has introduced, insurance, credit card rates etc.

when i saw the forum idea yesterday my first thought was oh my god. but then, this forum is no 1 and the idea of the forum isnt a competition. are there rules to stop you joining other forums? i cant see this site being bettered at all so the new forum shouldnt be seen as competition but a complementary site maybe?


carry on!

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It’s my understanding that the MSA community is open to anyone.


There are no “rules” Peter. A competitive feel, between any two bodies, groups or business’ looking for the interest of the same people is always healthy, it keeps you on your toes & helps improve your service. It can also help with making decisions on the best way to diversify your own services at times.


I look forward to the new challenges ahead for this trade organisation.



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  Lee said:

There are no “rules” Peter. A competitive feel, between any two bodies, groups or business’ looking for the interest of the same people is always healthy, it keeps you on your toes & helps improve your service. It can also help with making decisions on the best way to diversify your own services at times.


I look forward to the new challenges ahead for this trade organisation.





=D> Lets do all we can to keep it no1

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when i first joined the forum i did think some replys to posts were a bit harsh but have sinced realised that it was the way some of you guys interact , i visit the site nearly every night to keep up to date ,i think lee should feel proud that the msa site has beenset up to try and emulate his work and unless they are prepared to spend as much time and effort to it as lee does it is bound to be short lived

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Ahem, Firstly Peter, the Credit Card and Insurance deal have been around for at least 15 years that I know of,if not longer, nothing new there then.


From what I have seen of the 'New' MSA, there is little difference in what they offer now, other than bringing their technology up to date, three years too late in my opinion, Lee had already managed it. The fact that one member on here has 'NEVER' heard of them says alot. What have they been doing for the last few years and just who do they represent?


For them to attract 'New' members, they will have to offer a lot more than they are currently doing. There has been little change with regard to offering what you might expect from a 'Trade Association' in many years. I was a member for 10 years in my formar life :) and I see very little difference now after 20 years. It remained static for too many of those years and needed drastic action. Some of that requirement has already been met and I wish Martyn, who has done an incredible job and his colleagues, all the best in trying to achieve their aims and objectives.


However, with the Forum going from strength to strength and the Trade benefiting massively from it, I'm not quite sure where it leaves them :? Long live the Forum =D>



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  Hugh-Candoit (ENG) said:
To be honest they have address some issues that we could copy by subdividing some of the topics nito seperrate headings. For instance Shoe Repairs could be divided into about 6 different sections covering and addressing each problem & answer in its own division rather that posting under the general heading.


Remember Hugh, we have had 3 long years experience at this and have tried several different headings & sections. Some have come some have gone. there wouldn't be any benefit to sub dividing the forums, as this would water down the content. members can easily use the search facility to find subjects or ask the question again to get the latest upto date information.


Please save up your ideas & suggestions because as with previous years I will open up the November poll for suggestions & make some minor tweaks for the new year if needed.



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No offer I've seen or heard about from MSA is any better than I was getting 10 years ago, unless I've missed summat :shock: There are offers on more product, but how useful that will be to the average repairer I'm not sure.


In fact, looking back, I recall I had a better offer from a firm called Cardsave operated through Streamline (Nat West) that knocked the offer from MSA in to a cocked hat :?


At the end of the day, the objective for MSA has to be to get back on it's feet, increase membership and offer something tangable to their members. Whether they can achieve that only time will tell.

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I think they would be shocked if a they had an opinion poll...


I don't think Independants give a toss about "MSA" Who are they!!!! What do they do!!!! I honestly don't know what this association is all about and what they offer that you can't get off your own bat anyway.


Can someone tell me..


1, What they do.


2, what they offer.


3, Is it a profit making association.


4, Is it for the good of the trade, or the organisers...If anything is ever organised.


5, Would the independant have noticed if they had locked the door 5 years ago... I wouldn't !!


I've been in the trade 31 years, and never needed them..I think I'd heard of them, but never used or knew what they stood for.

I joined recently because I was told I would get a better merchant card machine deal, but have learned since I could have gotten a better deal elswere. But to be fair it was a much better deal than the one I had.

Ordered some "Key Kits" in june and paid for them, and we are still waiting !!!!!!!


I may be totally out of order here, and missed out on something. So am happy to be corrected. :-&


Can someone seriously tell me what its all about, because I'm not sure. Seems to me they are a nonsense that nobody takes serious, Made even less significant now we have our own forum were we can interact and HAVE become a proper working organisation.



planet uk900

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A point to add to that UK.

Out of all the members of cutting edge how many are members on here and is Martyn Harvey a member on here?

If he (Martyn Harvey) is a member alls well at least he is watching.......if hes not hes an ....... arrogant man and would need to do some selling to me this year for renewing my membership!

carry on!

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