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First off welcome.

As a newbie to the site thats quite a way to introduce yourself.

I suspect you are new to the Auto business and require access to everyone else's skill and knowledge.

Most forums work on the principle introduce yourself first and offer help and advice before asking for experts to give you all the knowledge they have spent years learning.

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2 minutes ago, grahamparker said:

First off welcome.

As a newbie to the site thats quite a way to introduce yourself.

I suspect you are new to the Auto business and require access to everyone else's skill and knowledge.

Most forums work on the principle introduce yourself first and offer help and advice before asking for experts to give you all the knowledge they have spent years learning.

Harsh but fair :grin:

carry on!

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alot of what you would like to see already exists , there is alot of info already out there , and what is already there could be so much better if keydiy users could be bothered . one such example is the keydiy app that you have on your phone already if using kdx2 , if not you can still download this to your phone.

the app has a great feedback feature , when you open a remote , there is feedback available , this feedback is users confirming the make model and year the remote worked on and is pretty accurate , sadly alot of remotes do not have any feedback entered , which surprises me alot , after all worldwide keydiy must have at least 500,000 users at a conservative estimate , im sure that if every user entered their successes here each time as it was designed for , then the coverage picture would be crystal clear , but alas people dont , in fact less than 10% of users bother to post feedback , which is a shame , every user has the power to improve this by registering accurate feedback on the app , if they did you would have a full resource at your finger tips , but saying that whats there can still be very useful.

on a forum what you ask for is almost impossible to have within a thread , as with so many posts and so many questions , searching for what you actually need would be a nightmare , so now it needs the forum owners to create a downloadable pdf or a read only reference link to do what the app already does, alot of work and i suspect some cost for the forum owners. they then need to have enough experienced users to collate the info but not just the claimed coverage but the verified working coverage , again alot of work that im sure most would charge for , so more expense .

this is the issue on most forums and on most facebook groups , there is so many posts that finding specific answers and coverage is not easy , this is because no one has collated it all into 1 easy to read reference point , i dont know many experienced guys who will collate and publish such a list , they already see the untrained inexperienced beer brigade armed with keydiy slashing rates to work for a pack of wine gums , they would be cutting their own nose off if they spent alot of time to complete such a list for the price cutters to benefit , so many keep the hard earned info to themselves , even if someone did this and then published it in a closed forum , many would copy it and share it everywhere else and the end result would be rates dropping to include just half a pack of wine gums.

if everyone on this forum chipped in with bits on a thread over a year , you would get alot of posts in a thread that would be a nightmare to navigate and search for what you wont if not collated and organised , and i doubt it would contain the depth of feedback info already on the app , that app could be pure gold for all if users could be bothered to add to it , sadly more take than give back so is unlikely to ever happen .

im sure if stuck and you ask a specific question about a remote in the keydiy section in the trade only section then someone will im sure help you out , its a great idea to have such a resource for those without the info to learn from , but unlikely to happen , maybe this is something you could collate and share here , im sure you would be thanked by those that need it

so what part of the country/world are you from baz , and how long have you been trading as an auto locksmith , and welcome to the forum

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Rapidlocks,

I first started out in the house locks and progressed onto the auto side some years ago and while i was doing some training a few years back you where on the training and very helpful it was to. Sorry if i offended anyone with my first post, I get something in my head and say it, Sorry.

Im based in the southwest / somerset area.

I look forward to sharing things with you guys and hope it will be of help in the future.

I have started a whats app group with a few people i know and we put info on there when we have tried and tested KD remotes so have a few on there. 



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i dont think you offended anyone , certainly nothing to be sorry about , everyone wants lists and videos these days , it wasnt that long ago lock picks and kit came with next to no instructions even , the lists and videos seems to be something we have adopted from usa.

a decent guy called tony audsley did some excellent guides for lishi tools , tried to sell his work , auto smart copied it to pdf and it got shared everywhere by the beer brigade online , so people stopped putting the work into such things .

whats app groups and the like between people you know and trust can work well , but nothing beats having a go and figuring it out.

never be afraid to ask questions , when someone asks what some deem a silly question and gets a bit of banter for it , i can guarantee theres plenty sitting quietly in background grateful that you asked as would have liked to ask themselves , so never be afraid to ask anything , dont take offence and give as good as you get , but never be sorry for asking .

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  • 4 weeks later...

nothing is secret since the love affair with facebook groups began , facebook should register as a training school and issue a trained by facebook certificate .

between the kd apps feedback section and the various facebook groups , all info is available to anyone who simply searches for it , so hardly secret

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