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in a nut shell i want to fit locks and for the customers to have to come back to me for keys

ive been to abus they have a r50 patent till 2020 but i little exp

ive been to m markas they have a dimple key set up but you have to make the locks on site

the locks come empty . for me thats a bit labour and time intensive


sks alldrige duff davenport all say no


any one here have there own key lock system

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When customers come in with a hard to get key, I ask "is this on a new upvc door" and "did you ask them to fit this lock" .

Usual answers are yes and No.

I then tell them the window companies are trying to use customers as there pension fund, and these keys will cost a lot more than tour average key.

Another 5mins and they generally ask me to come round and replace there new cyl.

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and therefore destroy the BS that was accorded with the door PAS tested with the lock and cylinder and therefore their insurance is void -nice move - how's your indemnity - Oh wait - indemnity is for accidents and mistakes not for being a fool....

You must replace like for like - anything for a quid eh!

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Aldridges say no (really) what about evva EPS.


If you take enough cylinders they will give you an exclusive section.


I have had 3 shared sections so far and they have worked very well, we started with an Abus 5 pin system (now discontinued) i replaced that with a Pfaffenhain 6 pin

shared section and that is doing really well and the cost is very competetive for the quality of the cylinders.


I have also used Evva DPS in the past but i stopped when i got my pfaffenhain 6 pin system.


I also have an Anker shared section and the beauty of that system is you can buy every single component for this system so converting double euro to key and turn

is really easy without having to carry massive ammounts of stock.


I have heard of some nightmare stories from some of the big boys (mul t lock, Chubb and Assa) having stock issues so bear this in mind as well.


Personally anything out of the Abus pfaffenhain factory will meet your needs without breaking the bank,

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and therefore destroy the BS that was accorded with the door PAS tested with the lock and cylinder and therefore their insurance is void -nice move - how's your indemnity - Oh wait - indemnity is for accidents and mistakes not for being a fool....

You must replace like for like - anything for a quid eh!


I should of added that I am a MTL centre , although we use Brisant more and more due to the stock/delivery and price increases with MTL.

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Like graham I've had a abus section which is discontinued and I still use an ankerslot section ,a couple of freinds use multi lock but both are not happy with price of cylinders and stock issues ,I am in the process of getting an evva eps section off aldridge but I've got a couple of good jobs to get it started but I'm also looking at getting another abus section mainly for padlocks ,,always had good service with aldridge since 1989 and there evva dept is very well established

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Mmmm I think as long s the lock is of the highest standard they would have a hard time to do anything about it - you take out a BS cylinder and fit a pound shop one....Nah!




would i be right in assuming that not all BS locks are on a restricted system, therefor replacing it with an easier to obtain key on a BS lock would keep your insurance company happy? just out of curiosity

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timsons sell there own key i bet they dont ask there customers and give them the option to get more keys cut from the shop next door


timsons have put a pod on my door step and i have lost all my key cutting so from now on all my locks are going to be my own locks

i see what your saying but im always free to cut keys if i fitted a lock and the customer wonted more and i told them no

to busy then yes

before timsons opened i had customers phone my all the time for keys most of the time customers would knock my door

at 8pm i did not mind

but i always ask my customers what they wont and if i give them the option for a hard to cut key but im always free then im betting 9 out 0f 10 will say yes

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Timpson only sell the own key replacement cylinder in branch. They have 2 options which I tnink are era and their own evva section. The locksmiths dont carry these locks on the vans. Im sure the vans have uap anti snap & avocet abs, and always advise the customer of the benefits of both types. They may have others too but not the tsr1 (evva) as far as I know

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When dealing with commercial customers I always offer the benefit of restricted key sections , hardly ever fitted anything to domestic property and if I have it's always been with the owners understanding., I think educating your customers to the advantages of restricted keys and letting them know the cost of replacement keys upfront can be a winner all round

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We own & use many patent protected profiles for our own use (Evva, Tigris etc etc) and can supply just about any system on the market  - however some of our open profile master keyed (optional) cylinders use blanks that are very hard to obtain, and might be a lower cost option for your own 'local' profile.

We can supply a Silca card for the key to enable code cutting - handy for master key systems.

Or a budget euro cylinder that uses a 'not easy' to source blank!


If you are looking for your own 'high' end profile I'd look for something 3D print secure that uses moving parts in the key.


Any protected section supplier will look for a £5k investment to take you seriously - otherwise your options are using a system registered to you but supplied by someone like us - it's your system as far as we are concerned, so you keep the key business.


We can act as your 3rd party however there are some great systems available direct if you want to stick £5k into stock? It will pay off later opposed to paying our middleman fees - but it's your choice!

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