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They are advertising new software in the new trade catalogues which we recieved late last week.


Give them another call,sometimes you get the new member of staff who gives out the wrong information.


Personally i would advise you not to bother,we have used it from it's first launch and we have had so many

issues with printing,domes not sticking and it being a real pain in the backside that we don't bother with it anymore.

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Charles Birch used to be an agent for the Ezebadge stuff.


I know they don't do it anymore but if you ring Kev at the keys department he may have some old stock left you can purchase.




Lol Rick - think you meant Kev in Kev's department!


I do have some Eze(!)badge stuff left - I'll check tomorrow and let you know.

If not give me a call on 0113 2467698 and I'll check while you're on the phone

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  • 9 months later...

Hello, My name is Jennie Shields, I am the Trendsetting Awards Sales representative for Central England. I have noticed your comments regarding our Ezebadge system & hardware.


Since these posts, we have re-launched the Ezebadge software which is now compatible with Windows 7 & 8 Operating Systems and has been made more user-friendly. The new version of the software should eradicate any technical issues with the older versions running on newer Operating Sysytems. If ever you do encounter issues with our Ezebadge software, please feel free to call us on 0191 2682000 & our Ezebadge specialist will be able to provide technical support.


If you have purchased the Ezebadge system from us in the past, please contact us and we will send out the new version of the software absolutely free. We have also reduced the price of the system to £30.00 plus VAT if you don’t already have a copy.


With regards to hardware, we did streamline the range for 2012 and we still have a range of keyrings, badges, stickers & domes. We do still have stock of some of our discontinued Ezebadge items which we have on special offer so please contact us if you would like a list of what we still have available.





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