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I'm having an ongoing issue with my Silca Lancer plus which is about 12-18 months old.  For some reason there seems to be a very small sideways movement on the blade causing a nasty judder.  Has anyone else had this problem?  I am buying my cutters from SKS.  Already returned one gold cutter and replaced it with an alternative standard cutter and still having the same problem.


Any ideas or anyone else had the same issue?

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was it a cutter u got with bulk order of keys because i had same problem and i noticed that there are 2 types of blades 1 has lots of cuts on the side of blade the other doesnt have so many and there lies the problem. change it for cutter with lots of blades on the side . no judder

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Shut today but will post picture tomorrow. Need a new one now so will order a genuine. This one is an SKS one. Think there was a slight improvement turning the nut around. There is just a very slight sideways movement now. Manageable but doesn't feel right to me.

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was it a cutter u got with bulk order of keys because i had same problem and i noticed that there are 2 types of blades 1 has lots of cuts on the side of blade the other doesnt have so many and there lies the problem. change it for cutter with lots of blades on the side . no judder


I had that deal... and the cutter was worse than the old cutter I took off!!  ####

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