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I've uploaded the site & have a list as long as my arm of extra things I need to sort out & resolve, but I had several calls, emails & texts yesterday of problems (some already sorted, some not) & because I also completely killed the site & sat till 2am at the computer today I've lost track a little. so if you spot anything that needs changing post it here & i'll do my best to resolve it.



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I'm not having that issue here, it might possibly be cookies related, maybe your computer has the old cookie its recognising? try clearing your cookies & see what happens? report back ASAP, thats quite an important one!

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Have you tried posting tonight HowardK? due to an error I made last night, I needed to re do the conversion so lost a handful of posts. It's only been this afternoon and this evening that I've got things stable again.

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Ive been in communication with the support people over a number of errors hopefully it resolved during one of these fixes.

lots still to sort, but I'll get there. I am after all a cobbler not a web developer!

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the like button is purely for members & their reputations, you can share a topic to facebook from the button at the bottom of the topic, but not individual posts.


The main advantage of the new site is it offers across platform integrations. meaning it can be used on a mobile device without resizing to see things & all sections (chat ect) can be used with iOS. Up until now apple products struggled with the site, I think it will make it more user friendly & no one can deny the mobile worlds explosion of usage. I believe it will increase traffic to the site when people are not necessarily at a computer screen.


In the coming days I will also be connecting facebook one click log in where you can sync your face book log in details with the ones our site, useful for those who forget their log in details (you know who you are!)


The main purpose of the new site, was to bring things up to date. Originally we used 3 softwares, all intertwined to create the site we used, two of those softwares had been disbanded as projects. meaning nothing new was coming out & they where posing a security risk, the refresh will mean we should in theory keep abreast of the current demands on this type of site.


Originally I used what is know as open source software (free to download & use) these rely on developers giving free input which is why over the years some projects disappear without trace, the new forum is a licensed & subscription based software that will also give me a greater level of technical support & a stable platform to work with.



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I've had mixed reviews, more positive than negative. But long term, it had to be done sooner rather than later.. Personally as a user I like it myself. There's little that this new software doesn't have that we had before we just have to get used to where to find it or how to do it, but it offer a lot more features that we didn't have.


Keep your bug issues coming, it will help me get it as right as I can.



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