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Which Transponder Machine!!?

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Ive got an ad900 but can only do tpx2 at the moment.


Hickleys have quoted £200+vat for software which will allow me to clone id46 chips, using tpx3 & tpx4. Does anyone else use this software & can you recommend it?



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dont have the software for cloning ID46 on our ad900 cos youve got to go to the car so we'd just use our ad100.

cloning has gone flat in my opinion

nothing new to report.

ok the Silca machine is slightly less to buy the chips but the machine costs a bit!

the ad900 is good for what your going to do in shop.

what are you looking to do?

whats coming in that you cant do that you think a "new cloner" will do

carry on!

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I want to do as much as possible really Jo! especially the 46 chips, i seem to be turning them away all the while. Is this software the way forward for me would you say. Or is it worth investing in a new machine... Ive lost touch with whats out there really

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If you just want a cloning machine for a key shop I would recommend the JMA TRS5000 Evo. JMA are not going to be changing their key heads every few years making all your equipment and stock obsolete like Silca do.

If you want something more advanced then I would recommend the Miraclone. It is more expensive but it can clone all fixed code transponders, plus 4C and 4D, ID46, ID42+44, 8C and ID48(Chev & Daewoo only). Some other machines have the capability but they cant supply 8C and ID48 writable transponders on a regular basis if at all.

Miraclone can also clone all ID48 VAG vehicles with UDS dash, that is Seat, Skoda and VW from about 2009 onwards. You will need a working key and the vehicle off course. Using a working key in ignition, you can read the transponder data from the ECU by using the Supervag interface. Drop the binfile onto the Miraclone and write a key ready to start the vehicle. No programming required.

In my opinion the Miraclone also has the best transponder specialist/programmer facility. It has the most variety, and on fixed code transponders like ID40 and ID44 it has multiple logics available. Some machines only have a single logic so for instance if you were doing an uncloneable vehicle like Vauxhall on an ID40 and you wanted to do 2 keys and programme them to the vehicle, you can only do it with 2 different transponder logics. Miraclone will that for you from a virgin transponder. This allows you to make whichever transponders you need as and when you need them from a much smaller stock holding. Very useful.

Perhaps it is a good idea to wait for one of the shows anyway. Discounts amd special deals are normally available on all machines.

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The new Silca GTI is an all in one chip, not just for ID46, so you should be able to cover most types of cloneable chips.

No need to stock TX1, TPX2, and TPX4 chips, GTI chip does them all.

The Silca sniffer unit for ID46 cloning has 2 confirmation LED indicators, so no guessing whether you've sniffed it correctly or not.

Mine has never failed.

The latest RW4 Plus is around £1200+VAT.


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Thanks for the replies.


Graham, so what do you use then, an RW4 plus?


And I can programme this Silca GTI chip with this machine rather than stock TPX 1, TPX 2 & TPX 4 ?



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I have an RW4 and pbox, i also own a zedbull with the tpx module and i have access to an ad900 as well.


Silca are planning to do 8c and id48a cloning but they are still trying to find a reliable source for chips to do these.


As stated by Ridgeback, the rw4 snoop removes the guesswork from id46 cloning and takes a maximum of 5 mins (depending how close the vehicle is) to decode and create a working chip.


The GTI chip does 4c,4d and 46 cloning and i haven't heard of any problems with anyone cloning using this chip.


I also have a zedbull with tpx module and i bought 10 tpx2 chips that would not program, i returned them to the supplier who tested them on a jma machine and they

returned them saying they where ok, but they still wouldn't work in mine or my mates zedbull but they did work in his AD900. That was the point the zedbull stopped been used as the gti chip launched a few weeks later and at a far better price (well it is for me) than the tpx2.


I gave the tpx2 chips away and have not touched another since.

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Thanks once again for all the helpful replies.


Are there any trade shows before that Auto Locksmith Expo in October in Nottingham?


It would be good to get some demo's and see how some of these machines work first.....?

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Just to clarify the procedure with the RW4 Jay,


You read the customers key, you insert the snoop and reset it ready to sniff the information.


You then go to the car, on some models you just insert the key into the ignition and a light comes on, remove it and insert again for the second light. That's the car part done. (if inserting doesn't turn on a light you switch the ignition on).


Back to the shop, read the snoop, read the key and await the decoding (this is the time consuming part and can take up to 5 minutes to do) then program chip, cut key and your finished.


Out again to check (we do this for the customer to make sure everything is ok).


We do this quite often when only 1 of us is in the shop but we do have parking directly outside our shop.

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with the 884 you need no snoop device, just the key blank your copying. I work on my own, customers pull up outside & I ask them just to tell anyone who comes in I'm just doing a key for them. No need to lock up imo only takes a minute or two. this also stops them hovering over my shoulder whilst I jiggle.


884 Simplicity :D

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Sorry but its a 2 man job if your leaving your premises unattended while you sit in a car parked outside!

Just a note to the wise if you leave the premises to "do work" you have to be insured to do so

it doesnt wash that you were just outside your shop(there is a difference to trying your customers keys to check they are ok but this procedure requires you to do work away from your premises)

PLEASE check with your insurance company on this matter!! 8-[

carry on!

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Yes i am insured to do work off the premises, and you don't need to sit in the car to do it.


I know where you are coming from Jo but don't really see it as a problem.


I have removed broken keys from hundreds of cars (boot, door, ignition) over the years parked on the road, if i think it may be difficult

and i am on my own a quick note on the door saying i am working across the road and i will be with them when i either spot them or the customer who's car i am working on tells me there is someone waiting.


In the 32 years i have worked it hasn't been a problem yet.

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Touchclone looks a interesting machine also jma no need to carry tpx1,2,4, as the new tpx5 will do them ,plus some id48 for kia daewoo, chev only 8c is a handy one to have in your shop only zed bull and miraclone do that . big choice really with the 884 ,also abrites tag tool which when i run out of 8c is no longer ,with silca they no how to charge for upgrades and they change there keys so more cost I spent 20k with Aldriges in one go and they shut my account because i did not use it enough .stick with 3d, sks , never had a problem .

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I also have the RW4 & PBOX & at the moment I run the shop on my own , I stick a note on the door ,but quite often the car is right outside my shop & it takes about minute including locking the door . I like the Silca stuff because it's very easy to use .

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Interesting posts & views, Luckily I do have a parking bay right outside my shop, so this wouldn't be a problem...


So does an RW4 with PBOX have the same capabilities as an RW4 PLUS?? Wheres the best place, SKS?

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