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blast from the past

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little old lady comes in today,asks can i heel her boots for her ,yes love when would you like them says i ,no hurry torrow wil do says she, gives her a ticket puts my half in the bag, picks the bag up later in he day to do the boots ,low and behold 1 pair brown derry boots not seen a pair of these for at least 15 years :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I was looking at an Ad for them in the sunday newspaper and thought "Oh they have started to make those again" perhaps they never stopped, perhaps they just went out of fashion for a while but they were very good for waterproof but I can remember 1st seeing these donkeys years ago and tried to put a sole on them, ooops :D :D

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asstated in a previus topic some times it is not possable to inspect them there and then on the spot if you are busy and have a shop full of customers so as i have said before if when you come to do them you find a fault then i put them to one side untill the customer returns and explain why they are not ready and suggest the remed and the price and if they are happy with that then i will have them ready later in the day , up to now this policy has not let me down ,in fact it works out better

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No Dean I dont #-o


This sort of attitude to taking work in can only come back and bite you on yer arse.(I know from experience) :-({|=

In this day and age you have to check everything at point of handover to be on the safe side.

You cant be that busy to take a pair of whatever OUT of the bag and give them the once over.

Everyone to there own but we all learn the hard way. ](*,)

carry on!

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I'm afraid I concour with Hibs joe here. Consider this, if the customer has only noticed that the heel is worn and brings them in for repair in a bag, what happens when you remove them and find that the toe or sole needs replacing :?:


To me, this is alost opportunity to increase your revenue and may suggest to the customer that you're not really that interested as you didn't pay much attention when they came in. As a matter of interest, do you take phone numbers from them when they hand over the bag or any form of contact info?



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Just a thought.

After reading many topics over the last few weeks.

Examining shoes, pricing, guarantees etc.

How many of you guys abide by the government code of practice for shoe repairers

or the code of practice for key cutters? It would appear many do not.

Just a thought.

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Just a thought.

After reading many topics over the last few weeks.

Examining shoes, pricing, guarantees etc.

How many of you guys abide by the government code of practice for shoe repairers

or the code of practice for key cutters? It would appear many do not.

Just a thought.


Jive us an instance where many are in defiance of the Code of Practice flash!!!!

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hibs i will now sy to you what i once said to the factory manager and the company md when they came out with that statement about not trusting anyone,

" the man who trusts no one deserves no ones trust "

they were also very fond of criticising peaples work ethics as well, to which i responded

" critisism is like a tennis ball ,it can be returned at twice the speed and twice the verocity "

now as for not being that busy i have a selection of work on my bench all scoured up soles and heels cut and all clued up waiting to be finished in the morning , the work is 24 hospital ordrs recieved on wednesday consisting of 14 raises , 8 pairs sole and heels , 6 pair sole and heels with elongated heels to joint with floats to heels, 4 pair soleand heels with sole and heel wedges elongated heels to joint with floats ,that still leaves 4 pair of customers hiking boots for commando units still to start as well as seeing and dealing with 35 paying customers today

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those two remarks got me the job of running the shoe making and the shoe repairing departments controlling 8 shoe makers and 5 shoe repairers ,whilst still reairing and adating shoes that the others were not expeirnced enough to do , i have been accused of being a workaholic

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heres a thought ....this is fact..


IF A CUSTOMER leaves you a pair of shoes to repair,and you fail to look them over, when the customer returns to collect them or not, weather you have or have not repaired them, if they say you have scratched split or anything else customers say ,and beliave me they will say or try anything on these days......even though you may have only thrown the ticket in the bag...IN A COURT OF LAW..and i do no this as this happened to a repairer i no,the responsability lies with you, the retailer, to prove that the said,problem with the shoes left was not there when they were left, not for the customer to prove it was not there, be warned very warned, if you have not bothered to check them in front of the customer.YOURE IN THE -HIT!!!!

BE WARNED THERE ARE CUSTOMERS OUT THERE THAT NO RETAIL LAW BETTER THAN MOST SHOP OWNERS..ESPECIALLY LOOKING AT THESE POSTS..ps elfman..ILL SEND MY MATES OVER TO YOURE SHOP..there all a bit skint after crimbo and 300.00 for a new pair of churches looks great from here lol

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k@lsb you may well be right , and here is the but , there are a few members on this forum who will agree with what i am about to say when you have been serving the public for a number of years you get to be able to read the shifty ones for want of a better phrase

now as for being taken to court there are a number of things that you should or could go through before it gets that far .

firstly i would suggest they to trading standerds

secondly i would suggest that i could send them to st crispins for detailed examination

thirdly i do not know which court they went to but it is very rare that any court would award the full cost of the shoes simply becouse there is a number of factors to take into account i.e the age of the shoes the wear and tear of the shoes the number of time the shoes have been repaired all of which lessen the cost of replacement value.

as for the consumer law it also states that if you are not happy with any repair or goods you must first of all allow the repairer to rectify the couse for complaint before commencing any court action

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heres a thought ...

IF A CUSTOMER leaves you a pair of shoes to repair,and you fail to look them over, when the customer returns to collect them or not, weather you have or have not repaired them, if they say you have scratched split or anything else

Here's another thought...........

Maybe you're attracting the wrong type of clientele :?:

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you could well be right hibs i have gone trough the two extremes i,e from my devvel may care attitude in my days as a long haired hippy to the current workaholic attitude ( i still retain one aspect of my days as a hippy ,that being i cannot stand short hair hence i only visit the barbers once or maybe twice a year ,they will never get rich from my business) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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