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Hi, does anyone know if the new thule codes from N201 to N250 are listing in INSTACODE as I only tend to subscribe as and when I need to. I dont want to get it and then find out they are not their. Or if anyone knows them would they kindly let me know what they are. TIA


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  • 3 years later...
2 hours ago, Martin Midlands said:

Hi, what key blank are people using for these codes? The JMA and Silca LF12 for codes N001-N200 are not ideal for smooth operation as the tips are more pointed with slightly longer blade for the N201-N250 series. The Space & Depth are also slightly different. 

I've cut hundreds on Lf12 and its equivalents without any issue.

The space and depths are also the same as the 001-200, N001-N200, N100R - N200R, as they're reusing the 001-200 codes for 201-250.

I always set my computer to plane the cuts to remove the peaks.

I do about 30-40 a week, so I know the LF12 is correct,


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15 hours ago, Martin Midlands said:

Hi, what key blank are people using for these codes? The JMA and Silca LF12 for codes N001-N200 are not ideal for smooth operation as the tips are more pointed with slightly longer blade for the N201-N250 series. The Space & Depth are also slightly different. 

Had the same issues on certain top boxes as well. Managed to shorten the tips on LF12 to get them to fit.

Was not sure if it was a bad blank batch or the locks but we actually managed to get a lock in the shop and I had some JMA/Silca blanks and they both had the same problem of being slightly to long stoppping the shoulder from aligning correctly.

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2 hours ago, grahamparker said:

Had the same issues on certain top boxes as well. Managed to shorten the tips on LF12 to get them to fit.

Was not sure if it was a bad blank batch or the locks but we actually managed to get a lock in the shop and I had some JMA/Silca blanks and they both had the same problem of being slightly to long stoppping the shoulder from aligning correctly.

Strange, as the only Issue I've ever encountered, and I think it was the Exodus top boxes, was the shoulder was too wide and had to be thinned down.

In all, between Thule, Trimark, Avondale, Caraloc, GIVI, Witter ACS, etc. I've cut well over 2,000 in the past two years and never had an issue with the LF12 blanks being too long.

Maybe I got lucky........


Oh, by the way, the N prefix and N and R prefix/suffix are the same cuts as the 001-200 codes.


Edited by kobblers
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