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I presume b****s translates to Charles birch? there seems to be a bad vibe everytime this company is mentioned. Ive only been trading with them a few months but haven't had any problems with them so far.although its ggod to know I have other options


thank again for the info

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I presume b****s translates to Charles birch? there seems to be a bad vibe everytime this company is mentioned. Ive only been trading with them a few months but haven't had any problems with them so far.although its ggod to know I have other options


thank again for the info


i was told they will only work on silca rw4 but i am sure in time they will work on the bull and ad900

buy from anyone but birch for hassle free trading i closed my birch account aswell


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I do not know why so many have problems with Charles Birch, we have used them for over 30 years without any major problem's, those I have had have always been sorted out promptly. I phone up to place a order weekly ,most times it is comes complete, I know the price of the good's, and the end of the month I pay the account in full. The same with all my supplier's that's why I trade with them. Charles Birch are no better or worse than any other supplier I use .

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most times it is comes complete.


Exactly, thats one reason you have just expressed yourself.


The Gti chips are designed for use in a silca machine only and can only be programmed three times by the same machine (to stop reverse engineering) they can be

used again in a completely different machine.


The price is going to make the main difference for people to use these chips.

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They do exactly the same as the MH but a lot cheaper

I believe they will be about the same price as a TPX2, but now you won't have to stock TPX1, TPX2, &TPX4.

Glad I hung on to my RW4/P-BOX now.

I'll be winding down my TPX2 stock to the bear minimum until these become available.

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I have been told unofficially around about slightly cheaper than tpx2 are currently, but don't hold me to this as i cannot reveal my source.


Did put the approx price in but noticed this isn't in the trade section so removed it (i have been told how much a certain wholesaler is expecting to charge.)

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Hi Guys,


I thought i would answer a few of your questions in order to help you understand what the new Silca GTI chip is/does.


GTI is an all in one glass transponder chip, because of its size it can be inserted into 'look-a-like' pod keys or use our range of MH blades with the TA head.


The new GTI chips have all the capability of the MH heads, (ID46, 4C, 4D etc) PLUS they can also be pre-coded to emulate other chips using the Silca TRP Setting program (Free with each RW4/Fastcopy machine) and then be programmed into a cars ECU.


A GTI chip can be programmed 3 times (as with the MH) on any single device (RW4 with P-Box, Era 3 with P-Box, Fastcopy with P-box, RW4 Plus and Fastcopy Plus)


There are special trade in offers available if you wish to swith to the RW4+ or Fastcopy+ machines bringing the cost of a new device down into the hundreds.


I am here if you have any more questions.


Best regards


Matt Vince

Technical Support

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