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which computer engraver

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what do you want to engrave? just flat work? or cups/tankards too?


both gravo and vistool software are easy to use


the IS200tx from gravo is a great all rounder that engraves a wide range of stuff



i'm not sure if he still has any machines left, but i know ironplanet was selling some bits a while back


maybe worth a pm to him

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Not much 8"........ there will come a day when you will need bigger when the anals start rolling in. I'd go all out and get the biggest, and if you can't afford it you're not too far away from me whizz them over and I'll do them for you.


Poor HibsJo, spelling aint what it used to be and there you go on about anals and 8". Welcome to the pink side. 8)

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Had the pleasure of autolocks company this afternoon, may have a new convert to The Vistool Owners Club. I think he was impressed at the capabilities of the Uni 300. What say you Duncan? :) Have good poke around in the software I stuck in your laptop,.....any questions just ask StevenB :lol: :lol:

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