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PCI DSS Compliance

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Just had a letter from my card terminal people, Streamline. In it, it says I must be PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards) compliant by 1 Dec 2011. Basically it will prevent me being responsible if a fraud occurs whilst the card details are held by me.

They say that if I get compliant by 1 Dec I will get it done for 19.99 as opposed to 29.99. But if I don't do anything, they will charge me 29.99 anyway. Thought it was the makings of a scam until I went onto their website to check. Bugger, it's true.

What pees me off is it only lasts for a year and then they will be bending me over again and taking 29.99.

Anyone had experience of this?

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I have & I got fined for missing the final step in an online registration for it! thought I was compliant because I'd filled out the form, but I also had to validate (or something) the form I'd submitted! they screw you over all ways cards!

anyway I'm now compliant & had I have done it correctly it wouldn't have cost me anything because I did it online. double check with streamline you can't do it online.


The online form was completely baffling & made a mockery off it all imo. I was totally bewildered by it, but kept checking boxes until it agreed I was compliant & I've continued taking cards as normal!



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I've not had this letter from Streamline yet... :-k

How can you be responsible for the fraud if the customer uses a chip and pin card and knows the pin?

Just a way of the card companies shifting the blame and making you pay for it to boot!!!


Another "bend over and take it like a man " tax.. :twisted:


My new business venture is going to be to start a company and create a tax that 99% of the population will have to pay....I'm gonna make a fortune. :twisted: :twisted:

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I've not had this letter from Streamline yet... :-k

How can you be responsible for the fraud if the customer uses a chip and pin card and knows the pin?

Just a way of the card companies shifting the blame and making you pay for it to boot!!!


Another "bend over and take it like a man " tax.. :twisted:


My new business venture is going to be to start a company and create a tax that 99% of the population will have to pay....I'm gonna make a fortune. :twisted: :twisted:



The government have beaten you to it :-{{{

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Just looked on Streamline website and realised this is only for online or customer-not-present sales, of which I do neither [-(


I'm not sure that is quite correct, I think you still have to do it even just to say you don't take cards this way - http://www.pcidsscompliant.co.uk/. It is all about how data is stored/used as Mick says so make certain otherwise it could cost you a lot more. It is just another tax.

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Just make sure you keep those customer sales receipts from the pdq machine in a secure location as they contain sensitive customer data.

Do this & you should be fine. As long as you can fill in the questionnaire correctly to confirm this is what you are doing.

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