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I've been redrawing a logo, and with one particular element when I try to 'combine to faces' so that I can infill it, I keep getting the message ' open path selected. Now I realise that this means I haven't connected the paths somewhere, but can anyone advise me how to find which bit is still open. It doesn't seem to matter how much I magnify it I still can't spot it.

Thanks, Valerie

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Thanks. I've got round the problem for now, and will probably redraw that bit again later, to see if I can eliminate the break in the path before I use the logo again.

Is it just a matter of magnify, magnify, magnify to try and spot it? It would be nice if the program could point out where the breaks are when it tells you that you've got one. Maybe that will be part of Vistool 9.


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Just to help out. If you press F9 then select “Show Nodes and Direction”. The open node will always be the one behind the direction arrow. If you have more than one Direction Arrow on a supposed closed path you will have more than one open node. Don’t forget to turn it off again as it makes the screen look untidy.

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Hi all, trust you are all enjoying the weather?


I have a couple of cups to engrave that the customer want to be in greek.

Not a problem except when I copy and paste his greek letters into vistool there are just question marks.

Anyone know if vistool can read greek characters, I would guess it would but dont know how to input them.


thanks in advance


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  • 1 month later...

Ok, here's the next artwork question.

Having imported a coloured bitmap to the engraving program so that I can redraw it, is there a way to put the picture behind the line that I'm drawing? At the moment the picture is always on the top, and although I can see the line, I cannot select it without moving the picture out of the way first.

Late Saturday afternoons are just perfect for learning artwork techniques.

Thanks, Valerie

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pc crashed last week the local pc shop done a over the top install of windows it seemed fixed untill today.

i engraved 4 flat items fine went to do a tankard went to select universal rotary in the drop down box and it has disapeared only flatbed and all the other machines in their. i use basic engraver if i go into advanced engraver it is in the drop down box but advanced engraver dont reconise my dongle so runs in demo only and couldnt engrave the logo i needed to on the tankard.

steven did you ever find the original disc for my machine for a reinstall as i now seem stuffed.

luckily the customer decided to take a hip flask lasered instead so not lost a sale yet


any ideas on a fix or should i just call mat at mastergrave on monday



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Craig, I did come across a disc just a few weeks ago.

I'm not sure if it's the right one, but it may well be - PM me your address & I'll send it on.

And phone Mark at U-Marq rather than Mastergrave as it's them that deals with these machines these days.

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Craig, I did come across a disc just a few weeks ago.

I'm not sure if it's the right one, but it may well be - PM me your address & I'll send it on.

And phone Mark at U-Marq rather than Mastergrave as it's them that deals with these machines these days.



cheers will send pm but mark at umarq aint very helpful and mat at mastergrave was a great help when i had to install vistool 8 on another pc.


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