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a client of me brought me some Legge caravankeys. He has imported approximately 70 brandnew caravans out of the UK and now wants spare keys. I searched in all my catalogues and on internet but couldn't find these keys ready for sale. Who can help? Where can I obtain them. I asked SKS already, they got something but not precut. The other firm I contacted hasn't answerred yet.

Need approximately 70 keys when possible precut.




IMG_0002 (400 x 565).jpg

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yes rick they are the blanks, what we need to establish is the Legge key series so he can buy originals, I agree the keys look different but if some 'locksmith' has modified the keyways with a file............ I know many of the Haven group used that sort of lock - mastered - but its years sinceI had any keyblanks let alone key sets - dont need them with an angle grinder and plates

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here I again, thanks for the replies. The keys of Duitman don't fit, we just controlled it. The photo I putted on the forum is from a converted pdf-file. To my regret the forum doesn't allow to put pdf's on, so if someone can help me with the numbers and better photos in the pdf, please send me an email and I'll mail them.




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