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Assistance on buying a new transponder machine.

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Hi All,

i've been in the key-cutting/engraving trade for the last 23 years or so and around 9 years ago bought myself a Curtis CI-4 transponder machine.The only update i've had was about 3 years ago with a Silca Tex-Code module for 4C chips.

I hate turning away customers with keys that i can't clone.The kind of cars in question would be your average Fiat,Vauxhall,Nissan etc.etc.

Could anyone point me in the right direction with regards to buying my next machine.


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Welcome Darren,


Here is the link to the transponder minefield post. The answers I had were most informative and helpful. You will find all the help you need here.




However unfortunatley there are many keys that cannot be cloned at present, I have had to turn at least 4 away this week which is annoying. So do not think that by buying an up to date machine that you will copy every key because you won't. But I am sure that technology is moving forward and things will improve as in the case of the Bianchi and soon the RW4

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That,my friend, is cruelty, you must first express a wish to hold, then approach with care then grip in a fashion not designed to cause pain.

of course you must first do a risk assessment, erect suitable barriers and wear the correct protective clothing.

The other side of the coin is that the bull's horns will rip your guts out..........


good luck to anyone tramping the transponder route glad I stayed out of it.

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Silca are due to make an anouncement on the new crypto2 copying any time now and ive heard (only rumored)the update will be a lot cheaper than bianchi,and i have it on good advice that they are looking at non battery heads as well.The big next step for me is whoever can copy the megamos 48 chips (silca t6) whoever cracks that first will be recieving a large wad of cash if the price is right from me. \:D/

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Went to Aldridges open day on sunday had long chat with lee at silca cloning of the 46 chip will be released at the end of this month with silca hoping to have stocks in november you will still need the car to clone a key and will be on battery head eh2 silca have no plans to bring out a non battery head at this time looks easy to use :D

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I also sopke to lee and there is a sooper device needed which connects to the original key and when turned in the ignition it reads the info

required to code the new blank.Will the zed bull and keycrypt pro be following suit and how much will the upgrade costs be.

They will also program to the eh2 heads i alreday have in stock a lot cheaper than the bianchi blanks.

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