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Shoe Repairer Forum

Recruitment of footwear technician

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Good Morning,

I have only joined the forum this morning so unaware of the overall content and vacancies advertised/wanted, apologies. I am the production manager of an Orthotics department in Oxfordshire and thought this might be a good place to get advice. I currently manage a team of technical staff that produce orthopaedic devices for patients in the wider Oxfordshire area. We produce moulded plastic work formed metal work and carry out footwear adaptation in the form of shoe raises and adding sockets straps etc. 

My technical staff would be expected to learn the various skills with a view to being multiskilled across the range of orthotic devices and repairs that we produce. Currently I have a skill deficit in the footwear area of the service and would hopefully be recruiting someone that would bring some experience and expertise on that front. Historically I feel that the recruitment process has not reached out to people who would have these skills and I am keen to target people who currently work in the trade.

If anyone could direct me to the best place to advertise this vacancy I would be most grateful, the job is band 4 on the NHS pay scale.

Many Thanks


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algeos did have a dedicated spot for this type of vacancy i am not sure if it is still up and running ,best of luck finding someone there are a few companies looking for staff and can not get them ,i do the work myself and have done for the last 35 years have been offered 2 jobs but declined for the lack of a decent salary  

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5 hours ago, sole man said:

Yes, In NHS terms that's decent but everything is on a relative scale

Googling band 4 nhs pay comes up with less than £24k with less than 3 years experience.

so in reality, you should be looking at someone who’s under 20.

there may be some colleges over the border in Northamptonshire that could put you in touch with the right people

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