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We have been open for two weeks now, We spent £600 on screens all the way around our counters, two in the shop at any one time, Hand sanitizer and wipes at shop entry point.

However I had a woman come in the shop just to ask if she could use our toilet!

I refused on the basis, that this woman would have to walk through our stock room with lots of gifts and other expensive items. Also there is certain dangers, tripping etc, & my insurance may not cover a nasty accident.  But above all I have gone to a lot of trouble and expense to create a safe environment for staff & customers!

I only refused her on the latter reason,  but she was not happy and had a hissy fit?


Was I right or wrong?

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right. i think public toilets are still closed because we are still under the non-essential travel arrangement. I let people use my loo, but i rarely see anyone I don't know & even rarer a person asking for the loo who doesn't know me. but even then, now I wouldn't let anyone in id probably just say "Im really sorry, with the social distancing I just can't let you at the moment"

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You are completely correct most shops I have been in have their toilets closed with signs up, those that have them open have more than one loo and are able to close some to keep distance. It's not good news for those out of their homes if they need to go but it's what it is at the moment. The only other way if you don't mind them using is to introduce measures to make it safer like asking them to wear a face covering, gloves (dispose of straight away) and clean the toilet after use. 

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It is a problem, with prostrate cancer I can rarely go more than 90 mins without the need. If I fail then disaster, peeing up a monument is frowned on and there are not too many bushes in towns. Really difficult I never allowed people to use my shop toilet but places like McD and KFC usually have the facility but with drive throughs only open..............


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