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I received a free sample of the citysafe key blanks and thought it would be a good idea to post my thoughts.


Firstly they are a nice finish and cut well as most blanks do nowadays with no flaking of the coating.


The idea of putting multiple references on blanks is a good idea for beginners and new trainee staff.


I did notice a few moaned about the citysafe branding but I don’t understand why, Silca Mark there blanks as do JMA keyline and everyone else so I cannot see why this is an issue.


Overall very impressed with them and when my stocks run down I will consider getting 500/1000 and giving them a proper trial.

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Graham, thank you very much for giving us feedback on the blanks, it is much appreciated.

The blanks are made from steel, and as Graham has mentioned they have HD, Silca and JMA references on one side, and the Citysafe logo on the other side.

You can see our selection of blanks at https://www.citysafeuk.com/key-blanks.html.


If anyone else would like a sample to try for themselves please send me a PM with your address and I'll send you a couple out to try.

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I have been using them for about 3 month now and have found them fine, the multiple reference is usefull as a final check you use the right blank.

Only using the common blanks at the moment ie the ones I would normally buy by the hundred, as their prices are very competative. But I am aware that they do not give the same service or range as SKS/Davos etc so be aware that a massive shift to City could jepordise the sevice we get from our current suppliers.In which case we would all lose.

Just my thoughts



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