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Does anyone else find themselves frustrated by excess stock that's built up over time?  When I started trading over seven years ago I naively went about order keys for customers without taking payment up front.  Then there are the errors I've made ordering the wrong blank, the keys I ordered thinking "I'm going to use more of them" and the mistakes that suppliers have made and I have neglected to return and get credit for.


In view of this I'm putting together a spreadsheet of all my odd keys with a JMA code (or whatever code is on them) and will make with permission I could upload it here.  If you have any special orders or there are any blanks you want, just PM me with the code and your address and I'll send it to you.  Just make a modest donation to Jimmy Mizen Foundation?


When I figure out how to do it I may create an online database that I can easily update.



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In view of high profit margin on keys, I just have a bloody good clear out every few years of keys I don't think I'll ever need. A bit annoying when someone comes in for a key you know you have just recycled, but just order a new one. Minor key related excess stock issue.I wish I'd never bought the extra large key caps ( for YAX1 etc.) They are just going to hang around like an relative at Christmas.

Probably the same as you, my stock control has improved dramatically over the years.

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In 35 years i have NEVER thrown 1 blank in the bin (tight northerner just cannot do it). I have in my shop now approx 18-20 keyboards of blanks.


About 3 months ago a customer came in with an ignition from a 1960's Jawa motrobike. As it was a Czech bike i looked at the skoda blanks i had acrued and a Silca SK3 fitted perfectly.


I stripped it down, cleaned it up and cut a couple of keys for him. He had been to quite a few other places and is know a regular customer.

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It's great when that happens. Unfortunately working in a space of about 13' x 7'' every square inch counts and I have two drawers of blanks I'll rarely use.

My shop is nearly the same size. Space is at an absolute premium. I changed from shoestring laces, to dasco because the boxes of six are about half the size.

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