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Toyota Hi lux Alarm going off

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I've just cloned a key for one of these (Silca TOY43  GTI chip), The customer locked the car with the original remote & then tried the key I made to open it & it set the alarm off .Normally like on my van if you use the clone key to open the door mechanically & start it everything is fine ,but the customer said they could not even turn the  the alarm off with the original Key ?  any advice welcome .

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It will never turn the alarm off on a Toyota. Only a Toyota remote will do that.


All vehicles are different and some will shut the alarm down others wont.


Saying that i still sell a few Toyota keys (gti) to local garages who finance vehicles and may need to recover the vehicle, they don't care if the alarm sounds or not as they have all the locks changed and reprogrammed once recovered.

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Have also had this problem on a RAV4,seems that some Toyotas do this. Now i always check by locking with owners remote and the manually opening using their key and trying it in the ignition if the alarm will not switch off then cannot do.obviously if the alarm switches off then can clone,in fact i have got into the habit of going through this sequence on all cars.

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It will never turn the alarm off on a Toyota. Only a Toyota remote will do that.


All vehicles are different and some will shut the alarm down others wont.


Saying that i still sell a few Toyota keys (gti) to local garages who finance vehicles and may need to recover the vehicle, they don't care if the alarm sounds or not as they have all the locks changed and reprogrammed once recovered.

Thanks for that , so to clarify , If the key I've produced is used to lock the car mechanically & unlock the car the alarm will go off ?

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