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What Price?

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Hi Chaps,


I have just had an enquiry to engrave 3 digits on 6000 keys, but, i dont know where to start with the price negotiation. I dont want to charge too much that i scare the lad off but not go in too cheap that i dont make enough for the time its going to take.

Any ideas would be apreciated.


Ta Chucks.

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you won't be saying happy days when your about 3000 in & your feet have gone numb. it will only be happy days when the cheque arrives! Good price, far to easy to under price a job like that. I think you got it right.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been asked to quote for some laminate ID plates.

And I don't know how much to charge.

They need the following:

800 x laminate plates 75mm x 25mm x 3mm; engraved with various reference numbers of 2 characters in batches of approx 75 plates.

120 x laminate circular discs 25mm diameter x 3mm; engraved with the same reference numbers in batches of 10


Looking at the costings and keeps coming out approx £2.50 each to the customer making total cost £2300.

Don't want to under sell myself too much but this seems quite high to me, what do you chaps think?

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On a job like this I always start my pricing process by evaluating how long the job will take me to complete.

Multiply the time by my hourly rate & that's the benchmark for any pricing negotiations. If you can take the price beyond this amount, so much the better.


Obviously, what I need to charge per hour isn't necessarily going to be the same as anybody else due to differing overheads, staff costs etc.

And to get back to the point, this doesn't sound like a bad price to me, you'll make a reasonable mark up - will you be cutting all the plates yourself or buying in ready made?

This will be a not insignificant time to be factored in.

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...and after factoring all this still don't get the work as the customer was expecting about 20-25p each!!!! ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

Thats my worry michael, I think they are going to go for it anyway as they need to have these done for their production runs but still worry about how much I am charging!


will you be cutting all the plates yourself or buying in ready made?

This will be a not insignificant time to be factored in.


Looked at both ideas Steven, was thinking about cutting the laminate down so a sheet will fit into the machine and then making say 30 plates from one sheet before making a final deep pass on each one after engraving to basically cut each out. Using a sheet of scrap underneath of course so I dont end up with an engraver bed that looks like 30 plates!

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don't forget they will be claiming the VAT back .

so that makes the total price of the job a bit cheaper in their eyes.

also don't forget to factor in the charge % that you will incur for the card payment, as its a company they will have a business card which might be a higher % also.

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