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Quote of the year!

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After one of my staff had ONE whole month off work due to having a baby, (2 weeks hols - 2 weeks pat leave) he came out today just 6 weeks after returning to work, with the Quote of the year "I have not had a proper Holiday for years!"

FFS, the last 9 weeks in my shop I have been covering Holiday's for the staff, and just as I thought "maybe get out on the BMW" he comes out with that = Quote of the year.... then wants to book more.... Staff!!!

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I had two weeks off when all 3 off mine where born. I also have 3 holidays a year. Do you live to work or work to live.


New baby = very exciting times. all you want to do is be at home, Martin give the guy a break he'll be a more loyal member of staff for it.



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i had a month off when my wife had our last baby

same has your man did and i have to be honest it was the best time ive had with my family for a long time

my boss was great about and seemed to understand

now he dosent have to ask me to work six days to cover others i just do it

now martin does that tell you something

and gray shut the f up you old git :D

:sturun: :sturun: :sturun: :sturun:

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Just imagine the lost production of them coming to work knackered after trying to make that baby - sex = Saturday - should be in their contacts.

Having sex twice can make you really tired....I had it twice last year and still not recovered!

mick table now dont forget andy is still out there

:sturun: :sturun: :sturun:

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Re: Quote of the year!


I had two weeks off when all 3 off mine where born. I also have 3 holidays a year. Do you live to work or work to live.


New baby = very exciting times. all you want to do is be at home, Martin give the guy a break he'll be a more loyal member of staff for it.

Wow, I thought you were a one man band? how do you get so much time off?

Re: Quote of the year!


i had a month off when my wife had our last baby

same has your man did and i have to be honest it was the best time ive had with my family for a long time

my boss was great about and seemed to understand

now he dosent have to ask me to work six days to cover others i just do it

now martin does that tell you something

I am quite understanding - hence he has had one month off!

does your boss pay 'double time' for all those 6 day weeks? or do you do it for standard rates lol


I was referring to the fact he had had one month off (June) and here we are beginning of August and he seems to have 'Forgot it' already!

Best thing about staff, the more the Government give them in rights - the more they seem to want!

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I am quite understanding - hence he has had one month off!

does your boss pay 'double time' for all those 6 day weeks? or do you do it for standard rates lol


hang on didnt he take his holidays that he was due and let me ask you this did you pay him full pay for

his baba leave or just the basic gov rate



no he doesnt i get standard rates or time in lieu

and i think if you give a little you get alot back

better to have happy emplyees then ones that hate you and will chuck a sicky

at the slightest hint of a cold


works both ways

:sturun: :sturun: :sturun:

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[quotehang on didnt he take his holidays that he was due and let me ask you this did you pay him full pay for

his baba leave or just the basic gov rate


Union minded I guess - know all your rights! but yes he got 'proper' pay but just 4 or 5 weeks later to 'want more' in my view is taking the P***

Give and Take?? a couple of business people I know agree with my view, but a couple might not!

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oh and my staff in over 12 years each - the two of them (Luckily for me) have only had 4 days each sick, so maybe I am doing something right!

but I do like to moan, If we look at holiday pay, he has not accrued enough this year, so I am too easy going

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oh and my staff in over 12 years each - the two of them (Luckily for me) have only had 4 days each sick, so maybe I am doing something right!

but I do like to moan, If we look at holiday pay, he has not accrued enough this year, so I am too easy going

ahhhhh now all the facts are comming out i wasnt saying you were a bad boss what i was trying to say

was that a bit of give and take is good but if he hasnt any hols left then no hols

but if he is going to be with you for another 12 years then by now you should know

your staff and if you can trust them that they wont take the p*ss then

and stop bloody moaning man we have gav for that :D :D :D :D :D :D

:sturun: :sturun: :sturun:

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Sack him. Ask me why I don't employ anyone


but some of us are in the fortunate position to be far to busy for 1 guy and need to employ people. i have good loyal staff one of 13 years service now and another 2 good guys and i have had 3 sick days in the last 13 years from my staff all added together and they run the whole business for me when i go on holiday 3 times a year.



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