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I wonder if anyone can help me? I'm just experimenting as a newbie to engraving. I have imported an esp file with I want to engrave but it is huge and is larger than the computer screen. Because it's so large I can't work out how to select the whole image to reduce it's size. Any ideas? Probably something simple. It's actually the "Queens Hat" image in the downloads section of the forum.

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I wonder if anyone can help me? I'm just experimenting as a newbie to engraving. I have imported an esp file with I want to engrave but it is huge and is larger than the computer screen. Because it's so large I can't work out how to select the whole image to reduce it's size. Any ideas? Probably something simple. It's actually the "Queens Hat" image in the downloads section of the forum.



clickon the zoom all button left hand side of your screen beside the yellow and green zoom butons its a squigaly back line looking button



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I don't know whether you missed it or not but Steven put some Keyboard shortcuts in downloads that might help......http://www.shoerepairer.info/index.php? ... w&iden=430 .......... I just found my Vistool 6 manual that lists all the hotkeys......... There's millions of them.....even super hotkeys....I'd never learn them all....Thank goodness for a mouse and a pointy thing... :D :D

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nobody still uses a mouse & pointy type thing do they?



You do!.... I have it in the scriptures... (Gray does the quote finger thing).......... "F7 Zoom workspace (I have this set up on the thumb button on my mouse)"... :)..Don't worry It's hard running a club. All those newsletters to send out....Must be hell!.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Updated VOC List






key cabin


x minit uk


fast fix elgin



forest cobbler









and markyboy101077





24 Members..


(The VOC is growing like a huge..........big growy thing)

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Click CTRL + A to select all, then F6 to zoom to selection, then Z or X to zoom out a little more, then you can resize as required.



Thanks that sorted it. However the crown is a little to detailed for what I need. I'm actually looking for one like the one Charles Birch uses in their leaflet GD/108

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lol :) I figured that much!


Sorted it. Problem was we were trying to engrave onto a plaque bigger than the engraving area which meant we had to manually centre it, but I think the jig was positioned in such a way as to mean the cutter couldn't reach the area to be engraved.


It's done now. Ok but could have done with better character spacing.

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lol :) I figured that much!


Sorted it. Problem was we were trying to engrave onto a plaque bigger than the engraving area which meant we had to manually centre it, but I think the jig was positioned in such a way as to mean the cutter couldn't reach the area to be engraved.


It's done now. Ok but could have done with better character spacing.


select text unroup and move about as you want



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lol :) I figured that much!


Sorted it. Problem was we were trying to engrave onto a plaque bigger than the engraving area which meant we had to manually centre it, but I think the jig was positioned in such a way as to mean the cutter couldn't reach the area to be engraved.


It's done now. Ok but could have done with better character spacing.


select text unroup and move about as you want




Thanks Craig, I'll remember that for next time :)

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