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We don't do stitching, Haven't for 5 years. Will glue the odd handbag strap but thats it.


We where fed up with people dropping off bags and never coming back for them, You end up with a shop full of crap and very little money and customers moaning about price etc.


Yes we get some funny looks when people ask if we could just put a little stich in this. But it hasn't effected my business infact my turnover is up and has been every year :lol:


Yes you might get an extra few quid for putting a stitch in something. But your time could be used to get more trophie or key customers. That space you have sety aside for stitching might make more money doing something else.


Only my thoughts :lol:


Ok UK900 give it to me with both barrells :smt071

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Only take 5 mins?


Buy the time youv'e changed the thread because youv'e got black on and it's a white handbag you could probably cut 20 cyls or done a sas.


with danny on this


So you are cutting cylinder keys all day every day then?


:shock: :^o

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We don't do stitching, Haven't for 5 years.


Danny, you are losing hundreds of pounds a week of highly profitable business. Only this morning Ive ha d a riding boot zip and a bag zip go out, £50 in the till, materials used £2.40. Both jobs were left for a week and I did them inbetween other work, no problem and no other work lost. Being organised is the key.



Will glue the odd handbag strap but thats it.


why won't you stitch it, I don't understand, whats the point in doing it half heartedley, and encouraging complaints.


We where fed up with people dropping off bags and never coming back for them, You end up with a shop full of crap and very little money and customers moaning about price etc.


Easy, charge them up front, take there phone number, problem solved, money in the till.


Yes we get some funny looks when people ask if we could just put a little stich in this. But it hasn't effected my business infact my turnover is up and has been every year :lol:


It might not have seemed to have effected your business, but it has. Someone else has done the work, and gained a customer, as they would think you were incompetant. Just because your doing ok, doesn't mean it hasn't effected you.


Yes you might get an extra few quid for putting a stitch in something. But your time could be used to get more trophie or key customers. That space you have sety aside for stitching might make more money doing something else.


O' come on Danny, If I stopped all my stitching work I would simply lose money, period. So are you, no matter what your circumstances are.




Ok UK900 give it to me with both barrells :smt071


It wouldn't be fair too give you both barrels, you've already shot yourself in the foot :wink: :wink:

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Only take 5 mins?


Buy the time youv'e changed the thread because youv'e got black on and it's a white handbag you could probably cut 20 cyls or done a sas.


with danny on this


(A) A couple of seconds is required to change the thread. Unless your a total buffoon. :D


(B) How often do you get an order for 20 clylinder keys at the same time some one wants a bag stitched !!!!


And whats wrong with asking the customer to pop back in 20 minutes...

In 31 years I've never had the problems you seem to have.


I wonder sometimes how guys like you ever managed to have your own business, James Timpson calls them "drongos" =D>

I suggest you dust yourself down take a look at yourself and start again as from 9 o clock in the morning. :twisted:

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Hi Uk,

Well I cain't stitch as I don't have a patcher :oops:


All our shops are different. Both my shops are in low income area's and out of town so all we get is £5 handbags to repair. We sell handbags starting at £5 so most just buy a new bag or have to wait for there benifits then come and get one :evil:


That is oneside of the business the other is keycutting and trophies we get alot of bulk orders for excample this morning one cus want 30 mortice and 10 cylinder keys cut another wanted 10 cylinder keys cut. Also I have done 4 stils and 3 ladies heels and got 3 sole and heels to start after lunch.


Then there is a huge trophy order to sort out. :lol:


So i'm not bothered about the odd stitching job.I wish I had the time :lol:


I have spent alot of time moving my shops away from stitching and patching and the image this gives people. We concentrate most of our time chasing key orders from local goverment, Hospitals and schools.


I would rather do one keycutting job for £500 than 100 stitching jobs.


Maybe i'm wrong but thats why I work for myself I have only me to blame if it all goes wrong.

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The last couple of days when someone has come in with a stitching job I have done it with a big grin on my face :lol: thinking about this topic.

I never ever turn down a stitching job, no matter how small doesnt mean to say I like doing them. Think I am with planet on the thinking that if you dont do it some one else will and you will lose that customer.


I had at least 7 stitching jobs in today, one of which was a set of bike paniers for patching £35, 2 lots of hand stitching the vamp £15 and all the usual stuff. Loads of profit cus its mainly labour cost.


I still hate stitching hanbags though.

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Sounds like you just don't want the work to me, so I would assume that attitude is pasted on to your customers. Not good.


In a perfect world, we'd all like the cream...but

one day you may just be gratefull of this very highly profitable work..........

carry on.


A very good responce.

Very few folk in this trade have this attitude and I applaude you for it.


Cream..... this is the cream if you know how to scoop it off.

virtually no lay out for machinery.

Virtually no lay out for stock.

Just time and expertise, bet I can make more %profit from this work than most can from soles and heels.

Perhaps no big earner, but £300 a week for about a fiver in stock aint to be sniffed at and I'm going back 20 years.

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I charge a minimum of £3.50 for stitching jobs,i love doing them,i must get at least ten a day,repairers round my way must hate them because i'm always getting told so and so down did'nt want to do these because....................(some lame excuse). :? I see it as a brand new car every 18 months. :D I'm busy repairing shoes from the minute i open 'til i close and i never turn stitching jobs away,sometimes i'm glad for a sitdown at the patcher after long periods on the finisher.

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Guest Klazykobbler

did a sticthing job on saturday didnt charge for it.


The lady was so pleased she walked in with a pair of her hubbys shoes for thru soles today . kerching ! money in the till


more importantly a happy customer who will come back



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Guest smurf

STITCHING JOBS WHY BOTHER! There is no need to piss about changing thread or glueing straps in place before stitching i have two ways to solve these waste of time jobs , 1 whack a hole in strap and hole in bag and rivet it. 2, if its pvc slap some superglue on it . job done you can even charge up to £4- £5 for this service easy .

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  • 3 weeks later...
"CAN YOU JUST POP A STITCH IN THIS BAG FOR ME?" :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :lol:


"Can you do me a FAVOUR love?"



£2.95 (min' charge) for one side, fiver for two.


Zips, £7.95 + £1 per inch.


I love stitching jobs and as long as you're patcher is working well, ten minutes work, a bit of old leather and a touch of glue can net a very healthy profit.


The reason the original poster is getting more bags than normal is fashion. Women regularly spend over fifty quid on a bag these days (and sometimes a hell of a lot more) as they're the 'must have' accesory in the poncey fashion stakes.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest downsarf

Have any of you tried targeting the high handbag market for repairs ? It seems with current fashions and lack of money in general a decent website promoting a mail order repair service for designer handbags would go down well for very litte outlay.The whole of the uk is then your customer base.

You could charge more than normal and also work on good quality stuff, more importantly you are also getting contact with customers who are prepared to spend that little bit extra for something nice.The smart person would then include a well presented flyer advertising your high end mail order shoe repair service when returning the repaired bags. :D


These types of people move in circles that word of mouth advertising works well in.Set up a referral system where they get a money off voucher for recommending a friend etc and it could get big.


Anyone tried this ?

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