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vinyl engraving - controversial or not?


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had a customer bring in this stainless plate for wording & wanted black letters.


when I looked at the plate it was slightly buckled & the blank size was 260mm



Not happy about using the long plate mode on my is200, not happy about engraving stainless & not happy about the miss shaped blank I opted to use vinyl!




this is the first time I have done this & was more than happy with the result, just thought I'd show you this alternative.

Despite confirming which way up the plate should be I am still waiting for the customer to say the holes should be at the top! :lol:



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bet it was a whole lot quicker too 8)


nice job fella, food for thought there.....


This is the first and most common misconception with vinyl cutting, this took me just over half an hour to do, doing the computer work, wedding out (which is removing the vinyl you don’t want after cutting) takes the biggest proportion of time, aligning & finally laying the vinyl on the surface.


If you have a look at my blog, you will see a sign I made over the shop, it took ages to complete, granted I am a beginner to vinyl and with time my skill level will improve along with speed but as a starting project you need time.




nice work Lee

just out of interest what is the surface you are using there? is it like a marking out table or a board you use?

Its called a Rotatrim Cutting Mats, the description in the catalogue reads “Virtually indestructible, these superb Rotatrim branded cutting underlays will protect your work areas from scalpel/knife cuts and make an ideal surface fro writing or drawing.â€

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Hi Michael,


I too have a vinyl plotter. Mine is a CM500 Roland machine with a maximum cut of 1200mm.


The biggest difference as far as I can tell between the cheaper machines and the more expensive ones comes down to 2 main points.


1) The cheaper machines are not as fast or as accurate as the more expensive ones.


2) The higher level machines have what is called an "Optical eye". This feature allows you to feed a piece of vinyl into the machine. It will actually measure the piece of material for you and then send the info back to your computer. This saves lots of measuring and imputting details of the size of material you want to use.


Hope this helps a little.

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