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Folding House & Profile Lock

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Howdy Folks,

So this is for me this time,

Customer bought a folding house at auction, apparently shipped from Europe, 

Had it delivered, apparently door is locked or maybe just jammed,?

Says he can see keys inside,

I have never had to pick one of this type horizontal / dimple locks, looks like 1 row of pins, and I do not know if there are side pins, pins in pins, or...,

My first question is if I were to pick it, should I pick CW or CCW to unlock ?

My second question If I could get my under the door tool in, could I pull the lever down to gain or help gain entry ?

On Monday I will look for other possible ways in as well,

Sorry no information as to lock make / brand, no stamping below cylinder plug on face,

Do not know folding house type or brand so far,

I am guessing this door has upper & lower shoot bolts and maybe hooks or rollers in the edge as well as latch & deadbolt

Not much to go on but any help will be appreciated,

Thank You For Looking

euro 22.jpg

euro 33.jpg

euro 11.jpg

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Thank You Kindly,

I just found out it is a Bastone (branded) 19 foot by 20 foot warehouse made in China,

I am hoping to pick it, i will give it my best shot,

I will take a couple of profiles cylinder locks i keep on hand in Schlage C keyway just in case I have to get destructive,

Defiantly not of European quality,


There are video(s) of the unfolding process on line,



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Howdy Folks Again,

Was at site today, no luck picking, but only had regular picks and tough to work with,

I do have a set of dimple picks on the way,

Felt & scoped lock pins, I count 7 pins and can see 6, did not see any side pins or indication of anything on the sides or top / bottom,

I did find that the actuator ??  in rear depresses about 1 cm to 1 1/2 cm estimated,

If I depress and try to wedge & turn the actuator ??, the thumb turn inside does move very slightly, tried to work it around but that did not work out, maybe needs to be picked or to much pressure on bolt and or top roller latch ?

The door has 1 each roller latches near top & bottom of door, the lower one is not engaged due to warping of door to frame, it appears the top one is engaged best as I can tell,

If and when I get it picked, if I turn it slightly, I will need to depress the actuator ?? and turn  to retract the lock mechanism , I am assuming so, which may be very difficult to do, I guess I could run a small bit in and make a divot or 2 to poke in to turn it,

Any words of wisdom appreciated,

Thank You for looking again





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Whenever I pick cylinders I don't tend to worry which way to go initially as it normally for me goes the opposite way to which I need it to go to unlock.

Trusty plug spinner will then take it round the right way, once picked you can normally just use that pick to turn the plug while depressing the clutch mech, if not depress and use a small bladed screwdriver to turn.

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Thank You Kindly Again Folks,

I have picked what I call normal profile cylinders with vertical keyway, and I know the actuator is springy only a mm or so, and have not needed to depress it to operate the lock with what I have dealt with here,

This is my first dimple / horizontal keyway and I most likley will never see another here, I was surprised how far the actuator depressed,

As soon as the picks arrive I will return to site and give it my best shot,

Been learning since the 60's ( in my 70's now ) and never had to deal with dimple locks, I guess there is always something new to learn or try,

Enough blather,

Thank You Again & wish me luck



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Don’t know what dimple picks your getting but its always worth trying to rake dimple locks if the kit contains them. You can also use a pick gun, just create a different tip, you just twist a standard blade so it is flat against the pins. Impressioning is also highly successful in a lot of dimple locks. All depends on how much effort you want to put in as you say, you might never see another one. Good luck

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Howdy Again Folks,

Searched top to bottom, side to side and end to end for another way in, no luck without doing major damage,

The building is presently folded, I did talk with customer about unfolding 1 side, it may work or may not as we cannot tell if it has a locking system on the inside, some do some do not, no one can confirm as inside is covered in cardboard to protect walls from the cabinets stacked inside, usually when shipped with cabinetry and such, the inside is bolted against shifting materials

I should have picks & impression tool here in a week, will be fun stuff to try,

Again Thank You All for your insight & help now and over the years with what is not common in my area, you have all been a great help

Thank You All Again



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  • 1 month later...


Thank You for the information & help,

Ended up ordering a set of dimple flag picks and a foil impression kit for dimple locks,

Been learning since the 60's, own business since the 90's and is the first experience with a dimple lock,

Difficult to single pin pick due to lack of experience and very sloppy tolerances,

Foil impressioning worked in about 45 seconds,

Keys hanging on inside door lock was a different key, and lock looked like a profile lock but is a fake, never expected that,

Am now practicing single pin picking this lock, not consistently but can pick it now,

Foil impressoning is consistent,

Since I do not have blanks or a machine to cut them, I have ordered a replacement profile lock plus some spares to practice on,

Will most likley never see another dimple cylinder but will be semi prepared if I should happen upon another inexpensive one,

Thank You Again



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Brilliant! It’s good to know you were successful. Foil is under used. It’s one bit of kit I’ve got in my kit bag at all times. Some of the odd cheap imports fall open this way. If you are really careful you can get the tool out and reproduce a more solid key. 9 times out of 10 it’s cheaper to replace the lock than cut a key though.

Well done on your efforts, most would have just stuck a drill to it!

Cheers, Sid

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Thank You,

I was trying to avoid drilling at all cost as I had no idea what kind of cam it had, cam at key pull position, dimensions, or cost / availability in the US,

Once I got it out, I searched the US market for a replacement, closest I could come dimension wise and cam not vertical down in key pull position, was crazy prices,


I found several on AliExpress that I think should work just fine, plus extras for picking practice, and replacements should one fail,

They are on the way, I have had many dealings with AliExpress in the past years with no problems so should be ok, fingers crossed,

Granted the profile cylinders will be the same or similar quality to what I removed, but will work just fine for the customers needs as is being used for storage,

So a 35-10-60knob, I think will work, but stick out a little on both sides,

My best as possible measurements and photo of the removed profile cylinder,

Profile Lock Drawing reduced.jpg


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