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Shoe Repairer Forum

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most forums would like more locksmith stuff shared as its easier and quicker than learning it yourself , but be careful what you wish for as it is a double edged sword that leads to everyone being able to do what you do and the result is rates drop faster than a tarts knickers as knowledge and info gained too cheaply seems to have no value once the price cutters get it, and many locksmiths are against sharing what may benefit their competition , something thats understandable especially as many will have worked hard to gain a skill or knowledge.

i see it on many forums , 1 guy moans that sensitive info should not be shared as it kills trade , this guy normally gets flamed on the forum by those that want the info shared , using the addage a forum is for sharing and such info should be shared for the common good of forum members , some get quite aggresive in their flaming of the guy who doesnt want it shared , but then the hypocracy , a year or 2 down the line the guys that wanted the sharing moan on the same forum that their trade is being dented by new starts and beer brigade and such info should not be shared , they then get flamed by the new crop and the cycle begins again , its been a common never ending cycle for many years .

in fairness to this forum it has a good balance , when ever someone asks for help and advice they more often than not get it quickly and freely , in many cases they only need to ask, if someone is happy to share they do , if not they dont .

the info is readily available all over the net from forums , you tube and most manufacturer sites , just takes some leg work.


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