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Shoe Repairer Forum

Citysafe - Laser cutting machine

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I've got a silca futura, but ive learned its a good idea to purchase a secondary machine for not so straight-forward jobs... So I bought the Citysafe laser machine as it has advertised the tilting jaws...A few hundred quid cheaper than the mustang :-D  i'll fly through the Yale superiors, I thought:-D

It doesn't come with any user manual, so I'm trying to work out what's what.  I've not really used a manual laser before so it's a bit of a learning curve.

One thing I don't understand is the angled cuts...  Each jaw rotates separately, and there is no way to tell which angle each jaw is at ( I think?)...  Maybe ive been spoilt with the ease of the futura... or does anyone know how this works?  Is some sort of spirit level needed?  I've emailed citysafe, and I'm sure they will answer soon... just thought id put it out in the forum


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