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I buy from Starlite direct myself. I know locally they are sold for £10.99 I charge £12.00 including fitting, but charge £6.00 if a customer brings them to me for fitting & £6.00 to swap from one pair of shoes to another


I also lift the insoles so no nails come through or show & replace the original nails that come with the packet for 11mm square shank small head from the whoelsalers as this gives the carbon a longer life for swapping from shoes to shoes.

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Not: thanks, Rick, for taking time out of your day to try and help ungrateful people?


Find 'em, yourself, next time.



Sorry, didn't mean to be sharp, but I had already discounted e-bay, most have limited stock available, some are just unreliable

I thought there must be a wholesaler somewhere in the U.K.

Thanks Lee I will look into Starlite.

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