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Timpsons finally get there man ( scum bag)

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think its happened to most of us at some point, I took a young lad on 5yrs ago ( butter wouldn't melt in his mouth ). takings plummeted , the last straw I found out he had a hobby , stealing from pensioners  , 5yrs later I'm still getting  angry  family members looking for him . later found out he had been accused of rape ?, then he started stalking my family ( I cant say what I did  but he never bothered them again)  , honest the older I get the more I  get disappointed in people, never again id rather work on my own than employ someone

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Yes I took on a lad on Saturdays and Holidays, I went to Spain as usual and on my return £1200 missing from the safe. 

The shop boy told me the other lad had come in and begged to use the toilet, he said No but he was threatened with a thump. I checked the tapes he was in there 45 seconds. Seems I had left my keys about at some point and he cut a spare safe key.

He was seen buying all sort of goodies, I called the Police and they said it was a civil matter? ????????

Lost all faith in the Police from there on in. If I had that time again a good Spank would have satisfied me

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Just had to fire a lad for theft, he'd worked for me on and off 15 year's - had to get Police involved to which he pleaded guilty, so luckily no court case - he was employed within 48 hours and the employer 'believes' his story of a 'Misunderstanding'?

good luck to them both, my accountant believes 10K went missing in the last financial year? So I wonder how much over all the years - A clever thief is harder to catch?

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I only had him working for me for about 5 weeks, he had the gift of the gab, he said he had worked for Timpsons and could do everything , he gave me a false surname Bracwell instead of brakewell , I know now everything he said he was lying about, then after he had the money every day he was saying I will get u it tomorrow , then excuse after excuse, he even said it’s a civil matter when I threatened him with the police , but the police were very good about it, so it depends on the police if they can be bothered or not I guess

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