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Cutting edge fashion

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I thought the concept was to offer matching socks as well?


If so, I wouldn't buy 2-3 pairs of socks (I like to change mine regular) just to match my laces. Unless these have some pretty impressive marketing its floored from the off. I'd like to know the market research put into these, as the results may help the initial concerns being raised.


I see no one from cutting edge has replied to my questions yet.



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Actually makers like Dune and Bertie have been selling some very nice brogues with contrasting coloured laces for some time. They don't cost £200, more like £85 - £120 and they are sold by stores such as John Lewis and House of Fraser and are aimed at the more fashion conscious male ( of any age). It seems to me that there is a trend towards more formal style shoes, many with leather soles, some with coloured rubber soles and heels, and as a trade we should be aware of this and should be encouraging this type of buyer to have them repaired.


Just saying



Like my recent purchase from Herring.co.uk ;) They seem to be making quality shoes fashionable again. 2014-08-21 12.32.42.jpg

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spotted these images in a post from Gary on face book today...............


Coloured laces with matching socks......... the future?









I have some questions.

1. Who is the target audience?

2. what is the price point?

3. how are they packaged?

4. whats cuttingedge's marketing strategy for them?

5. who is the wholesaler?

6. is this a charity campaign, or a business venture for cuttingedge?


I have a question:


Who the hell would wear them???????????????


Mark's right. I have loads of coloured laces and yet I sell more black 75cm than the rest combined and I have yet to see a pair of men's shoes with coloured laces. I can't imagine your discerning businessman wanting to wear them....................



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I thought the concept was to offer matching socks as well?


If so, I wouldn't buy 2-3 pairs of socks (I like to change mine regular) just to match my laces. Unless these have some pretty impressive marketing its floored from the off. I'd like to know the market research put into these, as the results may help the initial concerns being raised.


I see no one from cutting edge has replied to my questions yet.





please view my reply at 8.30 this morning, this responce is only my view on behalf of the editorial committee who constantly request input from readers. The winter edition of Cutting Edge will start been distributed over next few days and hope well recieved by the majority who are in reciept along with the 2015 wall planner




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