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hi i cut a ford focus key about 3 weeks ago about 2 days later the customer came back and said it had stopped working he has a 2006 ford focus i used a TPX2 chip( i have the jma machine with the id46 cloner and tpx cloner) i had a thought and checked that the copper end was a the bottom of the the key it was not turned it round all was fine key working. on Saturday same customer came back key not working again changed the chip key now working fine.Any thoughts on what could have been the problem not had the problem before

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Unfortunately it is one of those problems you can have time to time on cloning.


Our retail sister company only clone in extream circumstances. We have been called out to loads of cars when they buy the car with 1 key and it is a cloned one that has stopped working. Done many Toyota's like this.


You just have to do a new chip and see how it goes. If not revert to diagnostic programming if you have a machine. At more stable.

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I have to say I have done a heap of Ford clones and never had a single one fail, with the exception of one that had been run over smashing the chip :)


I have up until recently been using Zedbull for those. Let's hope I don't start getting problems now I've switched to AD900! Having said that I am now doing diagnostic with Truecode (if it works) then reverting to clone if not. MVPro too expensive on tokens for me especially with Timpsons doing them for £25 down the road :(

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Could be a dodgy loop antennae not always reading the chip (not uncommon on fords) and just coincidence that

the copied key was being used when the problem is noticed.


Only ever had a tpx2 failure on an old kia sportage but the silca mh wouldn't work on that vehicle either.

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I had problems with the TPX2 chip also,1 on a 06 focus cmax and 1 on a x type, spoke to sks and they said there is a problem with a small amount of chips, trouble was I was not told about this so I could have used another chip to try but did not want to keep throwing money away as they are use once chip.I have since used one that failed on one car, on a completely different make and it worked perfectly so I can only presume it was not fully written to.I check the ones that fail now by holding down the button on the trs 5000 when starting up the reading the chip to see if the chip has been locked. If not I re-use.

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I have to say I have done a heap of Ford clones and never had a single one fail, with the exception of one that had been run over smashing the chip :)


I have up until recently been using Zedbull for those. Let's hope I don't start getting problems now I've switched to AD900! Having said that I am now doing diagnostic with Truecode (if it works) then reverting to clone if not. MVPro too expensive on tokens for me especially with Timpsons doing them for £25 down the road :(



Can I just clarify the above comment, as I think some might have misunderstood. Where I say: "revert to clone", I mean revert to cloning the key NOT using clone machine which I don't own! Thought I better clarify. :)

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Little up date on this. Tried to clone a FOrd Focus 2005 yesterday. First time said successful on AD900 but key wouldn't start the car. Tried again with a different chip and is said successful and started car. Has worked once. Didn't work, then worked once more and nothing since!! :(


Any ideas? Beginning to wish I'd kept my Zedbull!

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Just used Tpx2 and followed instructions using Internet connection. Trying to remember the steps...read key...select TPX2 supercomputer says it'll take 5 mins but daily soon finishes that stage click ok select TPX2 on screen click write? Then it says successful.


Something g like that anyway lol. Never had an intermittent TPX2 clone before? Zedbull was a dream once servers were online

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Going to try that later. It wouldn't first time around but going to try again with the new update.


The annoying point is that I got rid of the Zedbull and now wondering if I should have. Never had a single issue with ford on the Zedbull. :(

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Update on this. This car came back in and I removed the chip and placed it closer to the ignition ariel. It worked. The solution was to use a remote head which placed the transponder closer to the ariel pickup. Problem sorted.


May have been a weak ariel as I haven't had this problem before on Ford.


So...panic over my AD900 is fine! :0)

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