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Hearing Aid batteries

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Have any of you guys considered stocking and advertising a service for Hearing Aid batteries?


I am now blessed with these to wear on a daily basis, much to the amusement of my friends as they continually go around telling eveyone that i now have Aids :lol:


However, the small watch type batteries that power them have to be replaced every week x 2 :shock:


I'm sure that you can make some money out of offering this type of battery, type ZA312 PR41 @1.4v


The most common place to buy them seems to be Boots and Specsavers, who have recently started offering Hearing Aids as an additional line to their business. They appear to be around £4-£5 typically for a 6 pack. Advertised properly in your shops, this could be a nice little earner :wink:


Maybe speak with your suppliers at the 'Cutting Edge' Exhibition at the weekend :D



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The private sector are buying Hearing Aids by the masses, thats why Boots an Spec Savers have invested millions in the service. Therefore, one would expect the battery business to remain in in this sector as they purchased their aids from them. it might be worth re-appraising Lee and advertising, trust me, when you get used to having them and the batteries run out, you will pay whatever you need to to get them!

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